Activity 1
Think Back to Activity 1 (Imagine you are having a practical exam) You will complete an independent, timed activity for a grade. Once you receive the written instructions, you may not ask any questions of the instructor or peers. Each person is to complete the assignment according to instructions SILENTLY and individually. You will have TEN minutes to complete the activity. Are you ready to open your instructions?
Activity 1: Reflections What was frustrating about this activity? What modified needs might teachers encounter in the students that they instruct?
Activity 1: Reflections What was frustrating about this activity? What modified needs might teachers encounter in the students that they instruct? Good Teaching for ALL students: 1. Context: Have MT help with translations and management (She knows her students best!) 1. Speak slowly, distinctly, & write down key terms 2. [Pre-make these] Use Graphic Organizers, Visuals, Charts, Graphs 3. Think-Pair-Share activities (Individual & Group work) 4. Word Walls (Key terms in multiple languages) 5. Pairing students
Activity 2 What points did we learn from Activity 1? What do you suspect the picture on your card designates?
Activity 2: Instructions (Your job card will determine your role during the entire activity. Every student must complete the activity!) Ear -wear headphones and listen to music loud enough to seriously inhibit hearing conversation, but not so loud as to damage your own hearing Hand -wear large gloves Eye -Wear blindfold Book - Reader 1) You may guide the blindfolded person’s hand but may not help them build, make, or complete anything. 2) Monitor the materials that replicate the modifications to make sure they stay intact during entire activity. 3) Read instructions in a normal voice-Do NOT repeat the instructions, speak loudly, or give visual clues.
Activity 2: Reflections (Group discussion) o What specific parts of the activity were most hindered by the modified needs you simulated? o How were those specific parts of the activity affected? (If you were the reader in the group activity, use the modified needs for reading as the basis of your answer) o At what point in the activity (as the reader or student) was your personal frustration level at its highest? o If you were a reader, how could you have adapted the activity to reduce the frustration level at that point? (What might your group members have done to help?) o If you were a student with modified needs, how could the activity have been adapted to reduce your frustration level?
Activity 2, Part 2 Now that you have initially experienced a lesson with simulated modified needs, continue with the lesson, and incorporate your modifications. Think to yourself: How can I modify my lesson, yet keep true to the goals? (Do not simplify your goals.) Suggestions for modified needs: VisualMuscularHearingNo modified needs
Science is Engaging Elementary Science involves all students in exploring their natural world. Students think critically, inquire fully, and communicate effectively. Teachers engage students in various modalities using the 5-E lesson cycle: Engage students with a discrepant event, guiding question, soliciting prior knowledge, etc.; Explore with hands-on experiences through inquiry; Explain through processing and communicating their thinking orally, in writing, and through reading; Elaborate/Extend by applying the concept to relevant, real world experiences; Evaluate by informal or formal, formative or summative questioning and assessments, or by student products such as the Interactive Notebooks.
Mathematics We [AISD] believe: Our curriculum supports learning through exploration and solving real-world problems across all grade levels and allows students to construct meaning and make sense of learning mathematics. Our students are challenged to explain their solutions and make connections that allow them to own and value learning mathematics. Our classrooms are safe and engage students in learning mathematics through discussion and sharing ideas. As teachers, we engage students using resources, tools, and technology to solve mathematically rich, real-world problems that meet the needs of a diverse population of learners.