Breaking Through To Freedom Part 4 “Letting Go of Legalism” Matthew 12:1-13.


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Presentation transcript:

Breaking Through To Freedom Part 4 “Letting Go of Legalism” Matthew 12:1-13

Jesus’ disciples get in trouble on a Sabbath road trip. At that time Jesus went through the grain fields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. (Matthew 12:1)

They were accused of breaking a law by the Sabbath cops (v.2) “Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath.”“Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath.”

They were accused of breaking a law by the Sabbath cops (v.2)

"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God.

They were accused of breaking a law by the Sabbath cops (v.2) On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. (Exodus 20:8-10 ESV)

They were accused of breaking a law by the Sabbath cops (v.2) "Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest. In plowing time and in harvest you shall rest. (Exodus 34:21 ESV)

They were accused of breaking a law by the Sabbath cops (v.2) The Pharisees would argue that the disciples, by eating this grain had “reaped” a harvest.The Pharisees would argue that the disciples, by eating this grain had “reaped” a harvest. When they rubbed the grain in their hands to separate the grain from the husks they were “threshing” the grain and when they blew away the husks they were “winnowing” the grain.When they rubbed the grain in their hands to separate the grain from the husks they were “threshing” the grain and when they blew away the husks they were “winnowing” the grain.

They were accused of breaking a law by the Sabbath cops (v.2) You shall keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you. Everyone who profanes it shall be put to death. Whoever does any work on it, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. – (Exodus 34:14)

Jesus defense of His disciples centered on two things: Authority – who has the right to say what you can and can’t do on the Sabbath? (vv.3-8)Authority – who has the right to say what you can and can’t do on the Sabbath? (vv.3-8)

Jesus defense of His disciples centered on two things: The first example is David (vv.3-4)The first example is David (vv.3-4) He answered, “Haven’t you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread—which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests.

Jesus defense of His disciples centered on two things: The second example Jesus presents is the temple priests. (v.5)The second example Jesus presents is the temple priests. (v.5) Or haven’t you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent?

Jesus defense of His disciples centered on two things: Jesus has “more authority” than the priests. (v.6)Jesus has “more authority” than the priests. (v.6) I tell you that one greater than the temple is here.

Jesus defense of His disciples centered on two things: Priorities – what was God’s intended purpose for creating the law? (vv.7-13)Priorities – what was God’s intended purpose for creating the law? (vv.7-13)

Jesus defense of His disciples centered on two things: Jesus draws a line between the “law” and “legalism”. (vv.7-8)Jesus draws a line between the “law” and “legalism”. (vv.7-8) If you had known what these words mean, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the innocent. For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.”

Jesus defense of His disciples centered on two things: We enter into a relationship with God by His mercy, not our sacrifice.We enter into a relationship with God by His mercy, not our sacrifice.

The Pharisees lay a trap (vv.9-10) Jesus is on their turf (v.9)Jesus is on their turf (v.9) Going on from that place, he went into their synagogue,

The Pharisees lay a trap (vv.9-10) A man is in their synagogue with a need (v.10)A man is in their synagogue with a need (v.10) and a man with a shriveled hand was there. Looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, they asked him, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?”

The Pharisees lay a trap (vv.9-10) Jesus uses their controversies to teach them about priorities (vv.11-13)Jesus uses their controversies to teach them about priorities (vv.11-13) He said to them, “If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out?

The Pharisees lay a trap (vv.9-10) Jesus uses their controversies to teach them about priorities (vv.11-13)Jesus uses their controversies to teach them about priorities (vv.11-13) How much more valuable is a man than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.”

The Pharisees lay a trap (vv.9-10) Jesus uses their controversies to teach them about priorities (vv.11-13)Jesus uses their controversies to teach them about priorities (vv.11-13) Then he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” So he stretched it out and it was completely restored, just as sound as the other.

The Pharisees lay a trap (vv.9-10) Jesus was trying to make a point:Jesus was trying to make a point: The purpose for every “rule” is a “relationship” so the priority is the relationship!

Bottom Line: If you want to dance with God you have to hear to His music!If you want to dance with God you have to hear to His music!

To hear God’s music takes time! Refuse to worship the god of busyness.Refuse to worship the god of busyness. God does not belong in the margins of your life.God does not belong in the margins of your life.

To hear God’s music I must practice the discipline of “letting go”! I need to let go of my need for controlI need to let go of my need for control

To dance with God I must apply the laws of music to the symphony of life.