Foreign Aid The Other Donors
Multilateral Organizations United Nations Development Programmme UN Specialized Agencies: UNICEF ILO FAO UNESCO
UN System: Two Types Funds and Programs- Report to Economic and Social Development Council Specialized Agencies- Autonomous Boards
Basic Characteristics: UN System Made up of components of all National Systems Representative: Voting Reflects LDC majority Critics: Anarchy Significant Patronage and Corruption
The World Bank System International Monetary Fund: Bridging Loan Facility International Bank for Reconstruction and Development- Infrastructure International Development Association- Consessional International Finance Corporation: Commercial Rates
Characteristics Block Voting Dominated by Organization for Economic Construction and Development (OECD) Debt Forgiveness Issue Structural Adjustment Vehicle Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Programs
Regional Banks Asian Development Bank African Development Bank InterAmerican Development Bank European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
U.S. Agencies U.S. Agency for International Development Millennium Challenge Corporation Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator State Department of Public Affairs U.S. Agencies: Agriculture, Commerce, Labor
Commonwealth Legacy Colonial Development Corporation: 1929 Colombo Plan: Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation Department for International Development (DFID)
Commonwealth Donors Canadian International Development Corporation (CIDA)- Bridges French and English Speaking Countries Australia- Ausaid (Focus on Asia) New Zealand Aid
Donors and Recipients India China South Africa Brazil Portugal
European Colonial Legacy Ministry for Cooperation, Development and Francophony GTZ- German Technical Assistance and German Department of Cooperation and Development Dutch, Italian and Belgium Technical Assistance
Scandinavia: “Soft Donors” SIDA- Swedish International Development Association DANIDA- Danish International Development Association NORAD- Norwegian Agency for Development Coorporation FINNAID-Finnish foreign aid and cooperation
The Donor System Soft Vs. Hard Systems Trade vs. Aid Debt Reduction/Debt Forgiveness Governance Reform vs. Interference Information Technology Multilateralism vs. Unilateralism
Public Private Partnerships: The International Context Defined: Partnerships (formal or informal) between: Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Governments, Donors (International and Private), Private- Business Sector.
Public Private Partnerships Origins- a. International Donors- Way of Dealing with Umbrella Grants and implementation of development policies b. Accepting donor money means accepting donor principles
Public Private Partnerships c. Comes out of Structural Adjustment and Policy Reform d. Seen by some as an alternative to Contracting Out- Others as part of it e. Critics see it as detrimental to a market approach to economic change
Public Private Partnerships Characteristics- a. Targeted at the expansion of Social Capital and Synergy in the promotion of Economic and Social Development b. Seeks a holistic or Integrated Approach to Economic and Social Development c. Involves informal processes, cultural sensitivities as well as legal norms and contracting principles.
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) PPP Supporting Factors in the International Context 1. Democratic Governance- private sector and NGOs seen as legitimate actors; transparency, accountability and responsiveness 2. Rational Government- Merit Principles, anti-corruption environment, acceptance of non-state actors as service deliverers. Contracting Out
Public Private Partnerships- Factors Factors that Support PPPs 3. Decentralization- Subsidiarity: Governance devolved to the lowest levels capable of implementation and contracting out 4. Legal Frameworks- Acceptance of Contractual Agreement as the basic organizational relationship
Public Private Partnerships- Factors 5. Institutional Norms, Organizational Capacity and regularized principles of inter- organizational interaction. Requires high levels of capacity building 6. Social and Economic Stability 7. Organizational flexibility across all sectors
Public Private Partnerships- Factors 8. Social and Institutional Pluralism- win-win rather than zero sum game across social, ethnic, religious and racial groups 9. Social Networks exist at Grass roots, and intermediate as well as higher levels of government-See diagram
Discussion Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff, Partnership for International Development: Rhetoric or Results Boulder, Co.: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2002