英語勉強会 10/13 住谷 English /21 三木 裕太
原文 The purpose of this study is Development of system for Automated Generation of Deformed Maps. My study become deformation using a heart rate and positional information as user data and Map information in Kokudotiriin This report succeeded by the acquisition in map information and users heart rate. We can acquire heart rate from an actual machine by recording Apple Developer. Because Map information was described in XML file by GML form, we analyzed them using XML parser and acquired only necessary information. GML(Geography Markup Language)is based on XML. It leverages a wealth of standards, tools and practices for data exchange being developed by several consortia around the world. We can display in conjunction with various information and process in combination different types information. Future plans, First, We are necessary to arrange an XML file of the map information. Secondly We draw a map using the acquired coordinate. ピリオドがな い
全体のコメント 文中なのに大文字から始まる文字が存在 Ex. The purpose of this study is Development of system for Automated Generation of Deformed Maps. Future plans, First, We are necessary to arrange an XML file of the map information. my と we を統一 タイトルがない Acquiring Map Information to Describe Deformation Map
2文目 My study become deformation using a heart rate and positional information as user data and Map information in Kokudotiriin 私の研究はデフォルメすることではない デフォルメマップの作成支援では? 並列の関係 3 つ以上のときは Takuma, Sakata and Watanabe のように使用 国土地理院 Kokudo chiri-in, The Geographical Survey Institute Our study is supporting to create a map deformed by using user’s heart rate, positional information and map information in Kokudo chiri-in.
3文目 This report succeeded by the acquisition in map information and users heart rate. レポートは成功しない マップの取得が成功したことのレポート acquisition in map information: in は不適切 アポストロフィーが抜けている This presentation reports about success of acquiring map information and a user’s heart rate.
4文目 We can acquire heart rate from an actual machine by recording Apple Developer. 心拍数を取得するのはシステム record→register The system can obtain a user’s heart rate from an actual machine by registering Apple Developer.
5文目 Because Map information was described in XML file by GML form, we analyzed them using XML parser and acquired only necessary information. 前置詞が抜けている GML の正式名称を書いた後に略称 GML で記述されているのでは? Map information was described in Geography Markup Language (GML) that is the XML grammar defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to express geographical features. Therefore, we analyzed them by using “XML parser” and acquired only necessary information to create the deformation map.
6・7文目 GML(Geography Markup Language)is based on XML. It leverages a wealth of standards, tools and practices for data exchange being developed by several consortia around the world. leverage… 影響力を行使する consortia… コンソーシア, 研究組合
8文目 We can display in conjunction with various information and process in combination different types information. 地図情報をつなげて新しい道を表示するという話?
最後 Future plans, First, We are necessary to arrange an XML file of the map information. Secondly We draw a map using the acquired coordinate. Future plans → For future work First, Second, … Last or Firstly, Secondly, … Finally XML file をアレンジするの? For future work, we need to classify GML data as necessary ones or not. In addition, it is necessary to develop a system that draws a map with coordinate of GML data.
接続詞 帰結 Therefore, Thus, According to, Accordingly, For this reason 原因 because, since 追加 furthermore, moreover, additionally, in addition 逆説 however, on the other hand, in spite that, in contrast ※ but や and, so は文頭では使用しない 話し言葉では使用する