Club of Amsterdam The DEATH of the STRATEGIST!
Club of Amsterdam 1: Some Lesson from ‘Foresight’ … Cyprus: Policy for CAP Reform, Accession … Ireland: Aligning National RTD Policy with the needs of the economy … Scotland: Development, fish farming & NIMBYISM in highland areas … Japan: Emergence of social factors … The ‘European Foresight Monitoring Network’ at … 611 cases identified around the world.…at the level of the EU, international, national, regional, cross-border, municipal, sectoral … MAIN TRENDS DECENTRALISATION of decision making… Attention to PROCESS Completion of VISIONING with VISIONING+BARGAINING … Embedding in systems of DELIBERATIVE DEMOCRACY …
Club of Amsterdam 2: A Look at STRATEGY … STRATEGY TACTICS OPERATIONS VISION ORGANISATION EXECUTION STRATEGY TACTICS OPERATIONS STRATEGY TACTICS OPERATIONS L1 L2 L3 MAIN TRENDS New thinking about the ‘TASK of MANAGEMENT’ DECENTRALISATION of decision making Organizational PLASTICITY In different ways and to varying degrees everyone is concerned with STRATEGY BUY-IN CAPABILITY Multi-Level GOVERNANCE Structures Based on M. Butter et al TNO
Club of Amsterdam 3: CONCLUSIONS about Futurist Tools … FUTURE TOOLS STAKEHOLDER SELECTION (Stakeholder Intelligence …) DIALOGUE … (Development and Management …) SECONDARY RESEARCH … (… +Visual, Exploratory and Interactive) DECISION SUPPORT (Qualitative, Subjective and Uncertain …) COMMUNICATION (… to stakeholders and non-stakeholders alike) CURRENT TOOLS Stakeholder Analysis Expectations Management Background Papers Horizon scanning Weak signal analysis Bibliographical analysis Expert Panels Commissioned Reports MIC-MAC STEEPV SWOT Morphological Analysis … ETC ETC