Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia The 2011 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings Snežana Lakčević Belgrade, October 2015
/ / Census provides answersCensus provides answers How many of us are there? – population less in comparison to the 2002 Census Who we are? 51.3% female 48.7% male Average age 42.2 years % highly educated (15 +) 66% computer literate (15 +) Where and how do we live? 59.44% urban population dwelling Average size of the dwelling 72.3 m 2
/ / Let’s look at the Census from a different angle
/ / The great interest of the candidatesThe great interest of the candidates instructors candidates 6 candidates for 1 position enumerators candidates 3 candidates for 1 position instructors candidates 6 candidates for 1 position enumerators candidates 3 candidates for 1 position
/ / Informing the publicInforming the public
/ / Broadcasting of the TV and radio spots on national and local TV and radio stations From 26 September to 5 November day х 6 times a day Printed promotional material leaflets 70 billboards posters – 2 alphabets and 13 languages Numerous guest appearances in radio and TV shows From July 2011 to September appearances Informing the publicInforming the public
/ / The articles published in printed media From July 2011 to September announcements Free telephone line for information - Call centre From 15 September to 5 November calls in 50 days 500 calls a day Informing the publicInforming the public
/ / Other measurement unitsOther measurement units 300 t of printed material km of filled census forms ( questionnaires) m of shelves for storage of the forms 500 operators worked on data processing for seven months, in two shifts
/ / Data disseminationData dissemination 30 census books ‒21 – population, households and families ‒7 – housing units ‒2 – quality and coverage 16 special publications/studies ‒Marginalized groups (homeless, persons with disabilities, Roma...) ‒Demographic picture (elderly, youth...) ‒Population projections ‒The most frequent names and surnames
/ / Census AtlasCensus Atlas
/ / Publication for pupils and their teachers primary schools We have also thought about the youngestWe have also thought about the youngest
/ / Channels of disseminationChannels of dissemination Printed publications Electronic format −PDF −Excel −Dissemination base −Dashboard (interactive graphical overview of the data) −Android application
/ / User’s profileUser’s profile downloads of the census data from the web site The most common users: students, scientific workers, researchers... Average age of the user is about 35 years −40% between 20 and 29 years −23% persons 30–39 years About 95% is from the Republic of Serbia, followed by: Bosnia and Hercegovina, Hungary, Germany, Croatia, USA, Great Britain, etc. Android application – 89% users from Serbia and 11% from abroad More than 2/3 of the users is younger than 40 years More than 2/3 of the users is younger than 40 years
/ / Internal StudyInternal Study About pages Covers all phases of the 2011 Census Content: −description of the activities −annexes (documents, tables...) −lessons learned Named for: −methodologists −IT experts −legal and financial service
/ / Census is our tradition...Census is our tradition...
/ / and obligation... and obligation Law on Official Statistics Law on Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in 2011 Resolution No. 2005/13 of the Economic and Social Council of the UN Regulation (ЕC) 763/2008 of the European Parliament and Council Census round 2010 ( ) Countries and territoriesPopulation
/ / Census is our needCensus is our need Analysis of complex demographic and socio-economic frames of population Estimates and projections of population Measuring the success of realization of the strategic objectives of the Government of the RS ‒National Youth Strategy ‒National Ageing Strategy ‒Strategy for Improvement of the Status of Roma ‒Strategy for Improvement of the Status of Persons with Disabilities etc. The laws concerning the rights of national minorities −Law on National Councils of National Minorities −Law on Official Use of Language and Script
/ / Census is our needCensus is our need International cooperation ‒Indicators for international organizations (UNESCO, UNFPA, WB, UN-HABITAT, etc.) ‒Cross-border cooperation ‒Managing Migration and its Effects in South-East Europe (SEEMIG) The EU accession process (screening) Emmigration – census is the only statistical source of data Improving quality of life ‒Creation of spatial plans ‒Environmental protection ‒City transport ‒Trading chains etc.
/ / The heritage that we are leaving to the next generations because... Census is a note for the future!
/ / Thank you for your attention!