Provost PURPOSE OF REVIEW Foreshadowed at time of undergraduate curriculum review – completing agenda Diverse group with specific needs Opportunities to strengthen offerings, strengthen support services, increase numbers Now over 400 programs, some with few students Need strategy for standards and consistency re entry requirements, credit points, work load Need to ensure research-teaching nexus systematically addressed
Provost SCOPE Cover coursework Graduate and post graduate certificates Graduate diplomas Masters degrees Not cover honours programs or research higher degrees
Provost TERMS OF REFERENCE Examine current models for Clarity, coherence, consistency Compatibility of structure, shape & flexibility with AQF and Bologna Competitiveness with other Aus & International offerings Articulation into & from coursework offerings
Provost TERMS OF REFERENCE Examine current models for Development of values & capabilities Consistency & effectiveness of our planning, management, marketing, QA mechanisms Support structures needed to ensure high quality student experience
Provost GUIDING PRINCIPLES More student-focussed, meet needs of students, employers & stakeholders Better support Align with MQ ethical framework Provide learning experience to meet students personal & professional aspirations Develop life-long learners
Provost GUIDING PRINCIPLES Intellectually robust Transparent & accessible Coherent Distinctive Flexible
Provost PROCESS TWO STAGES Stage 1 Green Paper, university wide discussion, out week beginning Staff - Student forums to discuss White Paper - workshop week beginning White Paper to Academic Senate November or December 2009
Provost PROCESS Stage 2 Faculties identify required changes. Work commences January 2010, New curriculum to commence from January 2012 at latest Now: See Provost’s website for Framework, Staff Survey, Student Survey, Working Party members