European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 1 The Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) for the Water.


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Presentation transcript:

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 1 The Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) for the Water Framework Directive (WFD) UNICE Information Day Brussels, 3 July 2002

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 2 Evolvement of Water Legislation WFD Bathing Water Drinking Water Surface Water Fish Water Shellfish Water Ground water Urban Waste Water Nitrates IPPC Exchange of Information Decision Surface Waters Dangerous Substances WFD Bathing Water Drinking Water Urban Waste Water Nitrates IPPC REPEAL TODAY 2013

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 3 4Environmental objectives Good status for all waters 4Analysis Pressures and impacts, economic analysis 4River Basin Management Plan with programme of measures Main instrument for planning and reporting 4Public participation Participation not information General outline

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 4 Concept urban waste water nitrates IPPC & other industry discharges chemicals pesticides biocides landfills sewage sludge drinking water bathing water Measures under Water Framework Directive Coordination of all other measures

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 5 4Surface water No deterioration; Good ecological, chemical status; phase out hazardous substances; Restoration 4Ground water No deterioration;Good qualitative and quantitative status; Balance between abstraction and recharge; Restoration of polluted waters 4Protection zones Respect all norms and criteria for the protection zones Environmental objectives

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide Transposition into national legislation Identification of River Basin District Analysis of pressures, impacts, use Monitoring programmes operational Start Consultation with public River Basin Management Plan Pricing policies Programme of measures operational Environmental objectives Implementation timetable

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 7 þAmbitious objectives and demanding timetable þRisks of wrong application because of complexity of the technical requirements þLarge shared river basins (Danube, Elbe, Odra) þCapacity of administrations åNew implementation strategy required Shared challenges

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 8 þDecember 2000 Directive adopted þCommissioner immediately committed her services to proactive co-operation with Member States, Candidate Countries and Stakeholders þAgreement of Member States, Norway and Commission on the Strategy in Sweden on 2-4 May 2001 with involvement of all Candidate Countries History

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 9 þCoherence and comparability þCommon understanding and approach þJoint efforts and activities þLimit risks of bad application þShare experience and information þDevelop guidance þImprove information management Objectives Efficient, coherent and comparable implementation

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 10 1.Information exchange and raising awareness (2002-ongoing) 2.Developing guidance documents (2002) 3.Geographical information systems (2002/2003) 4.Testing in pilot river basins (2003/2004) 4Manual for integrated river basin management (2004/2005) Activities

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 11 General Organization Water Directors Steering of implementation process Chair: Presidency, Co-chair: Commission Strategic Co-ordination group Co-ordination of work programme Chair: Commission WG 2.1: Analysis of pressures and impacts Lead: UK,Germany WG2.2: Heavily modified water bodies Lead: Germany, UK WG 2.3:Reference conditions inland surface waters Lead: Sweden WG2.4: Typology, class. of transitional, coastal waters Lead: UK, EEA WG2.5: Intercalibration Lead: JRC Ispra WG2.6: Economic analysis Lead: France, Commission WG2.7: Monitoring Lead: Italy, EEA WG2.8: Tools on assess., classific. of Groundwater Lead: Austria WG2.9: Best practice in river basin planning Lead: Spain Stakeholders NGO’s, Experts, etc. Expert Advisory Forum Priority Substances Chair: Commission Expert Advisory Forum Groundwater Chair: Commission Expert Advisory Forum Reporting Chair: Commission WG3.1: Geographical Information Systems Lead: JRC Ispra

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 12 Progress of Working Groups after one year of WFD Common Implementation: þDetailed work programmes per WG þEstablishment of extensive expert network þFirst results have emerged þMost of deliverables are on time Progress

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 13 þ Common text for foreword and introduction þWG 2.6: Guidance document on Water and Economics þWG 2.8: Report on statistical tools for the assessment of groundwater þWG 2.9: Identification of RBD (WP 1) þWG 2.2: Synthesis report on Case Studies - Identification and Designation of HMWB þWG 4.1: Establishment of a Pilot River Basin Network þWG 2.1, 2.4, 2.5 and 3.1: Common understanding and other documents Key outputs

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 14 Progress and outlook

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 15 River Basin Districts

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 16 WG Integrated Testing in Pilot River Basins Update for the Water Directors meeting Valencia, 10,11 and 12 June 2002 Task Packages: TP1. Co-ordination TP2. Selection of Pilot River Basins TP3. Exchange platform among MS 3.1. Survey of existing activities 3.2. Organise information exchange TP4. Integrated testing of various guidance approaches 4.1 Proficiency in using guidance documents 4.2 Integration of Guidance Documents 4.3 Additional requirements to meet the WFD 4.4 Evaluation of programme of measures 4.5 Development of River Basin Management Plans TP5. Dissemination of results

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 17 TP2. Selection of Pilot River Basins  B, F, NL (Scheldt)?  D, F, Lux (Moselle- Sarre)  Denmark (Odense)  Finland (Oulujoki)  France (Marne)  Ireland (Shannon)  Greece (Pinios)  Portugal (Guadiana)  Spain (Júcar)  Hungary (Upper-Tisza)?  CZ, D, PL (Neisse)? Proposals submitted by the Countries:

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 18 Emerging issues þAgreement procedures and final status guidance documents þAttribution of sufficient resources in the second half of 2002 þRe-organisation of Working Groups and new mandates for 2003 and 2004 þEstablishment and organisation of “Article 21 Committee” þJoint initiatives on the harmonisation of the application of typology (WG 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5)

European Commission, DG Environment Unit B.1: Water, the Marine and Soil Joachim D’Eugenio Slide 19 More information On environmental policy incl. water: WFD CIRCA Information Exchange Platform: env/wfd/home