Welcome to Eighth Grade Science Mrs. Miles
Eighth Grade Science Provide a safe, orderly environment Getting you ready for high school Passing the 8 th grade science EOG The goals for this course are to:
Science Units The units we will be studying this year are: Changes over Time: The nature of science, and Technology, geologic time The Water Planet: Everything about Water, Oceanography The Nature of Matter: Atoms, Elements, Periodic Table Chemistry and Technology: Chemical Reaction, Carbon Chemistry Microbiology: Cells, bacteria, Reactions, Immunity and Disease
A typical day will look like this: 1. Enter room quietly and begin “DO NOW” ACTIVITY 2. Put homework out on top of desk to be check while you are completing DNA 3.Lesson/ Cornell Notes 4.Lab/Activity/Investigation (Group work) 5.Homework explanation 6. Reflection
Classroom Rules No talking without permission Raise hand to speak Be respectful to your classmates Stay in your seats Follow directions the FIRST time they are given
Level 1 offenses: Dress Code Violations Talking or Making Noises Running or Horseplay Being Out of Your Seat Littering on Campus Cheating Minor Class Disturbances Breaking in Lunch Line Violation of Posted Class Rules Throwing/Tossing Any Items Not Moving From Halls As Directed Displays of Affection (PDA) Having Unauthorized Food/Drink Sitting on Desktops /Tables Out of Class Without a Pass Wearing/Having Prohibited Items Sleeping or Head Down In Wrong Area at Lunch Using Non-Directed Profanity Leaving Trash on Tables Touching Other’s Property Chewing Gum
Level 1 Consequences 1 ST Offense; Teacher warning and conference with student. 2 nd Offense; Teacher warning and parent contact 3 rd Offense; Parent contact and After School Detention scheduled (ASD). 4 th Offense; Parent contact and another day of After School Detention scheduled (ASD).
How I will enforce rules… I will write your name on the board and that will be your first warning. Every check I put beside your name means another offense has been broken. I will NOT tolerate students who break classroom rules and disrupt the learning of other students.
Level 2 Offences Disrespect to Another Person Possessing or Using Tobacco Acting as a Lookout for a Student Skipping Class or School Vulgar Language to a Student Unacceptable Use of Internet Possessing Lighters or Matches Falsifying an Excuse Note Major Class Disruption
Level 2 con’t Threats/Intimidation of Violence or Aggression Inciting/Provoking Gambling/Playing Cards Stealing
LEVEL 2 CONSEQUENCES 1 st Offense; Office referral and up to 3 full days of ISS. Parent contact. 2 nd Offense; Office referral and 3 full days of ISS. 3 rd Offense; Office referral and ISS for more days than 2 nd offense 4 th Offense; Office referral and ISS for up to 10 days. 5 th Offense; Office referral and OSS time for a number of days depending on the severity of the offense.
LEVEL 3 OFFENSES * Vulgarity or Profanity to Staff Members *Acting as a Third-Party Messenger for *Threats or Intimidation *Horseplay that Results in Injury *Fighting/3 rd Party Messenger *Not Dispersing When a Fight Occurs – *Gathering and Clustering (watching a fight)
Level 3 offenses con’t Failure to Follow a Staff Member’s Directive *Failure to Give First and Last Name When Asked by an Adult *Failure to Give an Adult a hat, Cell Phone, CD Player…., as Directed *Possession of Drugs/Paraphernalia, Attempting to Sell *Possession or Use of Alcohol *Possession of a Weapon – Knife, Razor…etc. *Distributing Lewd, Pornographic Materials
LEVEL 3 CONSEQUENCES 1 ST Offense; 3 – 10 days of OSS, Administrative Decision 2 nd Offense; OSS time for a number of days greater than previously assigned for 1 st Offense Remember RED, YELLOW, GREEN
Why rules? We are here to teach you and keep you safe You need to get ready for high school I expect everyone to follow the rules of the school and do great in science class Disruptive students will have parent contact and be removed from the classroom
CHILL OUT CHILL OUT Time is a temporary placement for students who are disruptive in class. You will leave the room and go to Ms. Simmons room. ISS room 303 Will have extra work to do and write a reflection of why you had to be sent there
HOMEWORK Homework is due on the due date. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED without a parent/doctor note. Homework counts as 50% of your grade. You CANNOT pass science without doing homework. When you enter and sit quietly, place your homework out on the desk while you work on the DO NOW ACTIVITY for me to check One homework pass a semester will be issued to you. 5 pts added to your grade if you hand it back in