{ Welcome to World History Fall 2015
Coastal Carolina University Dance Hobbies Asia About Miss Lee
Follow ALL classroom and school rules Come to class prepared with ISN and materials everyday Enter the classroom quietly, be seated and begin daily focus activity; Remain seated and orderly until dismissed by teacher. Raise your hand for permission to speak and to leave your seat. Respect the rights and opinions of others. Refrain from consuming food, drink, chewing gum, or sunflower seeds in classroom. Expectations
Refer to Wall Consequences/Correction Opportunities
Refer to wall WOW Rewards
When entering the class: Enter the classroom quickly and quietly Do not hang around the classroom door or linger in the hallway Sit in your assigned seat Entering the Class
Take care of any preliminary student needs: sharpen pencils, get out any homework, etc. Get to work immediately on Daily Focus Activity (You should not walk/run around classroom, socialize, etc…).
When the bell rings at the end of class, the TEACHER will dismiss the class. Before this can happen: Are all of your materials and assignments turned in? Is your area clean, free of paper, pencils, and other clutter? Are you in your seat, sitting quietly, waiting to be dismissed? ****Do not pack up if teacher is still teaching**** Dismissal
No Name…..No Credit When you turn in work: It should be neatly written (Pencil or Pen with black or blue ink ONLY will be accepted). Any work that is turned in after the initial due date will be deducted 10 points per day for a maximum or 5 days. Completing Assignments
If you are caught cheating on an assignment you will receive a zero. If you use someone else’s assignment, you and the other person(s) will both receive a zero. Cheating
Check over your work Begin your homework Read silently Work on ISN table of contents ***You may not sleep or put head down, move around room, or talk and disrupt others**** When you finish early
It is your responsibility to make up work. Retrieve work from make up work corner or website (if available). You have one for one day make up exemption (# of days you were absent) You are still responsible for making up assignments. If you are absent the day or test/quiz: you will take the test on the day you return. What if I’m absent?
We will work from bell to bell in this class. You may not: Stop to rest or put your head down Write or pass notes Speak out of turn or talk across the classroom. Cell phones are not allowed to be used in class and will be immediately confiscated. Classroom Disruption
You are not allowed to leave your seat unless you raise your hand and ask for permission. Please hold trash until the end of class. Please try to recycle clean paper when you can! Leaving your seat
Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking out. DO NOT: Blurt out or talk out of turn if I have not called on you. Call my name over and over until I answer you or make noise in order to get my attention. Get out of your seat and come over to me. Permission to speak
When you need a pen, pencil, paper, etc. I must take some form of collateral for borrowing my supplies. YOU MAY NOT: Help yourself to teachers supplies. If you are caught taking supplies from teacher without permission…immediate consequences will be put into action. When you need a pencil…
When announcements are made you will not talk and listen carefully. Announcements
When the class needs to refocus or come back to order I will give the high five symbol. You will respond be immediately settling down, silencing, and putting up the high five symbol Lets practice…… Coming to attention
If you ever have questions or need help please raise your hand and wait on me to address you. DO NOT: Blurt out, snap hands, clap hands, get up, act like a crazy fool! If I have questions? Help!?
You must have a signed pass from teacher using your Agenda Book. No pass…Don’t leave class Leaving the Room
Your class will be broken into teams and will be given different jobs to do to help out around the classroom. Each week we will rotate to a new team so that everyone has a chance to help keep our classroom running smoothly. The jobs will be as follows Door opener1 st Block additional jobs 2 Paper distributers*Promethean Board 2 laptop distributers*Recycling Bin Trash inspector *Temporary ID Agenda reader6 th Block additional job Token economy banker*Board cleaner Classroom Jobs
Remain quiet Follow the procedures quickly and quietly Get in straight line (Fire Drill) Once class has reached destination, reverse line. Drills should be treated like the real deal! In Case of Emergency