A Christmas Carol Taylor Brown Sydney Barloon Angie Espinoza Avery Williams
Question Some works of literature use time in a very distinct way. The plot sequence of events may be changed or time many be slowed, suspended or accelerated. Choose a novel or a reading in which the authors manipulation of time affects the entire novel and explain how the novel is affected by this manipulation
Introduction In many works of literature the use of time helps to evolve and develop the storyline of the novel. In A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens the use of time effects Ebenezer Scrooge’s journey of realization through the use of memories, premonitions, and the present. Underneath the simple Christian allegory, Dickens investigates the complicated nature of time Dickens novel sticks out as it is written in a distinct way as opposed to the usual linear sequence of events in most novels.
Quote Eudora Welty: “Events in our lives happen in a sequence in time, but in their significance to ourselves they find their own order the continuous thread of revelation.”
Body The references to time are numerous in the novel; the bells ring to announce Marley's arrival, and even the repetitive discussion of Marley's death at the beginning emphasizes the present tense in which Scrooge is stuck. Another example is the inconsistency of time. Scrooges falls asleep past 2 am however wakes at midnight. Time is reversed. Dickens control over this abnormal time flex supports not only the supernatural of the Ghosts but also how he uses time to his advantage.
Body Two The use of flashbacks of Ebenezer's childhood strengthens the story line and demonstrates the power of going back to certain periods in the characters past to highlight key events. Dickens suggest that the past, present, and future must all be integrated into one tense in the mind. Scrooge understands that the future he is shown is alterable and that he can change his fate
Body Three The three Ghosts symbolize the past, present, and future of Scrooge. He looks back on his decisions made throughout his life from a different angle. In this light he is able to see his greed that has consumed him along with his morals. He is able to see the damage he is causing by living the way he is. This is how the manipulation effects the story of Ebenezer Scrooge in the Christmas Carol.
Conclusion “The now is the time to make or lose money, and the past and future exist only to serve the present.” (Dickens) Dickens's attention to clocks and bells reinforces Scrooge's mania with time.
Works Cited tmascarol/section3.rhtml tmascarol/section3.rhtml