11 Dec 2015 Bell Activity Journal: VOCABULARY USE REPORT PART I. Report on your Vocabulary Word from yesterday. What was the word and what does it mean? With whom, when & where did you use it? Did you use the word correctly? How did the conversation go? PART II. What word or words (no more than 3) will you focus on this weekend? Will you choose one more and then just reuse the other two you have used this week? With whom and when do you think you will use the words? TODAY WE WILL LEARN Why Marley has come to haunt Scrooge about Scrooge’s predicted fate.
Act I.3
THE FOUR GHOSTS OF “A CHRISTMAS CAROL What 2 things does Marley SHOW Scrooge ? What 3 things does Scrooge learn from Marley??
Copy the 2 thematic quotes found on page 653 into your collection. Hint: Each column contains one quote.
Act I, Scenes 4 & 5.
Act 1, Scene 5