Jack By: Scott S Jack and Jacob
Herman Cortez lived in Spain and here is the flag.
The impact was that he killed many Native Americans wile finding new places in America.
Hernando Cortes was Spanish. He was born in He was born in Medellin, Spain. The military ran in his blood, as his father was an officer in the Spanish army during his lifetime. He was very sickly when he was a child. In 1501, he failed his law studies and wound up leaving the University of Salamanca. At 19 years of age he joined Diego Velazquez and Nicola de Ovando on their voyages to the New World. In 1511, he moved to Cuba and became the secretary to Diego Velaquez and later owned a ranch in Cuba. He is best known as a Spanish conquistador and explorer. He led expeditions to the mainland where he conquered Montezuma and the Aztec Empire.MontezumaAztec in 1519 he tricked the Aztecs into giving him a lot of gold when he first arrived in Mexico. One of the treasures he found was chocolate. When he first arrived in Mexico, the Talascan Indians attacked him and his crew. Two of his men died and 800 Indians perished.
Hernando or Fernando Cortés is his hole name
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