Grading & Recruitment of Researchers Lorna Rain – HR Adviser (Reward & Benefits) Sue Davies – HR Business Partner May 2011
The Brief To talk about the processes for recruiting research staff and, how would a principal investigator know which grade of researcher is appropriate for a desired role A pragmatic guide would be useful!
Research Roles Overview document Aimed to help staff at bid writing stage
Job Descriptions/Person Specifications Combined Document + Hazard Identification Form Templates created Allows specific information relating directly to the research project to be added Development opportunities allowed
Grading Process What is job evaluation? – equal pay HERA Job evaluation tool Academic Role Profiles – 4 levels that start from Senior Research Associate – Grade 6 2 additional research grades at 4 & 5 Double Scored by trained role analysts Position number assigned
Types of contract 17 week casualcontract - can be up to 37 hours per week Variable hours casual contract –up to 1 year contract, hours vary week to week Fixed term contract Open ended (permanent) contracts
Recruitment of fixed term and Open Ended roles
Recruitment of casual roles Faculty approval – Alison Elliott Grading still applies May use Purple door for student applicants Ring fence May advertise if desired Raise offer paperwork prior to commencing work – Jemma Best