Education Some people are not educated and don't know that our water is being misused,because they are not being taught enough about how to save it. Some older people have never had a water shortage and they weren't educated on how to save water. People don’t know that when they litter out on our streets and then it rains, the rain makes the water flow into our storm water pipes causing it to come out into our rivers. People Don’t Know Litter in our Waterways
Many people don’t know about products that conserve water, such as flow regulators for taps, dual flush for toilets,water efficient showerheads,4 ½ star rating washing machines,3- star/AAA rating dishwashers, rainwater tanks, soft spray wands and trigger nozzles for hoses. Education Unaware People are unaware that their tap is leaking or that their pipe is broken so then they don’t know they need to fix anything, that's how most of our water is wasted.
People Don’t Care People don’t care that our water is being misused, and weren't taught about what damage is being done and think the council will clean it up. Some people think that it doesn’t matter if we turn the tap to full speed or leave the water running as they think the dams are full of water. Some people use the full flush when they only need the half flush when they go to the toilet.
Home Water Audit There are 5 People In My Family Toilet: 15 flushes per day, 1 flush = 18 litres Total : 90 litres per day. Shower: 5 showers per day, 1 shower = 31.5 litres Total : litres per day. Water For Drinking/Cooking/Tooth brushing etc. Total :112.5 litres per day.
Clothes washer: 1 load per day. Total : 135 litres per day. Dish washer: 1load per day Total :67.5 litres per day Grand Total of water usage for the Forsyth Family is 562 litres per day. Did you know that we use water from a rain water tank for flushing toilets, washing clothes and watering the garden!