MATH NIGHT October 14, 2015 #MATHSWAG
MOODLE Click 'Login' in the upper right hand corner Use Student ID number for USERNAME Use Student password for Password Both of these are what the students currently use to login to school computers #MATHSWAG
MOODLE and ConnectED Once you are logged into MOODLE, click on ConnectED in the MCGRAW HILL box on the right side. You will see your child's texbook cover. Click on the link to connect to the resources. #MATHSWAG
ONLINE RESOURCES Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. They tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. #MATHSWAG
ONLINE RESOURCES Learnzillion’s mission: We help teachers and parents meet the academic needs of their students. We do that by providing an open, cloud-based curriculum. We help teachers, schools, and districts improve instruction, track student performance, and better respond to the specific needs of their students. #MATHSWAG
ONLINE RESOURCES Illustrative Mathematics is a discerning community of educators dedicated to the coherent learning of mathematics. They provide expert guidance to states, districts, curriculum writers, and assessment writers working to improve mathematics education. #MATHSWAG
ONLINE RESOURCES Math is Fun is a site comprised of games and activities that can help the learner master current skills, or assist the student in practicing skills taught in previous years of school. Grades levels 1-7. #MATHSWAG
ONLINE RESOURCES Mathantics is a great series of tutorial videos that are geared to engage the viewer and explain concepts with easy step by step explanations. It covers topics from 6th grade through Pre-Algebra. #MATHSWAG
ONLINE RESOURCES Math shorts explains pre-Algebra concepts in fast simple videos that are cute and easy to understand. #MATHSWAG
ONLINE RESOURCES Why U animated videos are designed for mathematics courses on the K-12 and college levels, and as a resource for informal independent study. Rather than focusing on problem solving, the objective is to give insight into the concepts on which the rules of mathematics are based. Click on the PreAlgebra or Algebra links to find videos that address the topic you want. #MATHSWAG
ONLINE RESOURCES “Math Dude” is produced by Montgomery County Public Schools for PreAlgebra and High School students. It’s videos are presented in a game show setting and has plenty of real life correlations that demonstrate how the more abstract forms of PreAlgebra and Algebra work and how to solve them. #MATHSWAG
TUTORING Each teacher has a tutoring program in place. Students are encouraged to discuss this with the teacher and to get a pass if needed. Arrangements can also be made to meet with students during the teacher’s planning period. #MATHSWAG
TEST CORRECTIONS Students are encouraged to complete test corrections when a test is returned to the student that has scored a ‘C’ or lower. This gives the student the opportunity to earn extra credit on the test and to practice the skill some more. Students have one week to complete the test corrections and TURN THEM IN! #MATHSWAG
CONTACT INFO Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher at any time if there are any questions that you have regarding your child’s performance. We are here to support you and your child throughout their math journey this year. #MATHSWAG