Don McGregor Research Associate MOVES Institute Commercial Maps in M&S Don McGregor Research Associate MOVES Institute Understanding global peace and conflict means understanding of human communities in the midst of and in response to change. US Joint Forces Command noted that “changes in the strategic landscape… new technologies, and the adaptation and creativity of our adversaries will alter….operations a great deal. Here too, the past can suggest much about the future – the nature of change, its impacts on human societies….” This presentation provides an overview of the project and research methodology, progress to date and planned go-forward efforts. 2008. The Joint Operating Environment, United States Joint Forces Command Center for Joint Futures (J59).
Maps The US Government does a lot of mapping via various organizations such as National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) There are various sources such as Common Map Background, M&S Terrain Database Library, DTED, etc But the free(ish) sources provide some interesting capabilities
Maps Maps are regarded as a strategic business by companies like Google and Apple and Bing. The ability to direct customers to a brick and mortar business is a big lure for advertisers They devote a lot of resources to maps as a result, at least in the developed countries
Google Maps Not free. You can use Google Maps for low volume and experimental uses with a developer’s API key. Commercial use requires a payment Has a number of interesting capabilities, including route finding, elevation data, images, street view Most commonly used with a Javascript API You can buy a Google Earth server to bring it inside the security enclave Multiple platforms: mobile, web, web services Content is often based on government sources that have been post-processed by Google
Google Maps Elevation API Roads API (correlate GPS breadcrumbs to roads) Geolocation (find location based on cell towers, WiFi) Geocoding (convert address to lat/lon) Reverse geocoding (lat/lon to address) Directions (can be used as low-rent AI for entity movement) Places (Information about commercial businesses in an area)
Simple Maps in Web Page See DIS_Map, googleMaps.html Script tag to import google maps JS api Browser geolocation code (W3C standard) MapOptions, Map, and div for “map-canvas”
Google Maps
Open Source Maps Assorted groups are working on open source implementations of maps and related technologies Open Source Geospatial Foundation ( does a lot of work here Open Street Map implements a map server and database of locations. Open Layers is a Javascript API for working with map-based data
Open Street Map
Open Layers You can layer multiple image or data representations on top of maps
Open Layers
Maps with Data
Maps Open Maps is fed by a “tile server” to retrieve content at various resolutions. It’s possible to feed your own maps into OSM // Empty vector, used in the icon layer var vectorSource = new ol.source.Vector({ }); // Monterey icon var iconFeature = new ol.Feature({ geometry: new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.transform(montereyLonLat, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857')), name: 'Monterey Icon', eid:JSON.stringify(espdu.entityID), lastHeardFrom:new Date() }); // add it to the vectorSource that will be used in the icon layer vectorSource.addFeature(iconFeature);
Maps: Projections 'EPSG:4326’ and the like refer to the ‘projection’, the technique for portraying a round(ish) sphere on a flat surface.
Google Maps Directions API
Directions Request Object literal request object. Most of these are optional. { origin: "Chicago, IL", destination: "Los Angeles, CA", waypoints: [ location:"Joplin, MO", stopover:false },{ location:"Oklahoma City, OK", stopover:true }], provideRouteAlternatives: false, travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING, drivingOptions: { departureTime: new Date(/* now, or future date */), trafficModel: google.maps.TrafficModel.PESSIMISTIC } unitSystem: UnitSystem.IMPERIAL
Directions (approximate) var dirService = new DirectionsService() dirService.route(dirObject, callBackFunction); … function callBackFunction(response, status) { if(status == google.maps.DirectionStatus.OK) var waypoints = response.geocoded_waypoints; for(int idx = 0 idx < waypoints.length; idx++ var aWaypoint = waypoints[idx]; var legs = aWaypoint.legs; // an array of DirectionLegs, with a startLocation // and endLocation, and a path, and array of latlngs }
StreetView See Interesting because it can give a low-rent rehearsal ability for very limited circumstances
Elevation Useful for line of sight calculations
Speed Limits Somewhat realistic speed data for roads Pay only
D3 Data visualization, charts, etc in Javascript Basically, we have access to all the data on the web. The implications of combining this with simulation data is in its infancy. Maybe a simulation control panel with summary statistics for PDU types, regions, entity types, forces, health, etc.