Environmental Management System Implementation
Practices, Aspects, Impacts- Concepts Mission Resource Impact Resource Impact Activities/ Operations Practices Aspect
Installations have an EQA inventory in place: –Practices –Practice Owners and Locations –Compliance Inspection and OversightEvaluation Frequencies and Responsibilities Need to make comprehensive and add: –Aspects –Impacts Practices, Aspects, Impacts- Inventory
Practices, Aspects, Impacts- Relationships Inventory Risk-Based Priorities Objectives and Targets Monitoring and Measurement Actions, Projects PlanCheck Inventory is basis for risk evaluation and objectives and targets Inventory is basis for EQA Internal Assessment
Practices, Aspects, Impacts- First Steps Update existing EQA inventory with aspects and impacts information Initially may not be comprehensive Goal to get EMS implementation underway Follow implementation strategy established in Pre-Planning phase
Risk to Mission Mission Resource Impact Resource Impact Activities/ Operations Practices Aspect
Impacts and Risk
Practices, Aspects, Impacts - Risk Ranking Evaluate relative risk to mission to prioritize practices/aspects Process should be: repeatable, documented, defensible, and periodic May apply qualitative approach initially and apply quantitative method later
Pollution Prevention Opportunities Navy installations have mature P2 Programs in place The practice inventory may suggest P2 opportunities not considered within the traditional HW/industrial process focus of P2
Pollution Prevention Opportunities- First Steps Review practice inventory for P2 opportunities Apply P2 approach to identify and develop solutions for: –Industrial practices not previously identified –Non-industrial practices –Environmental aspects
Objectives and Targets Objectives define an end-state supportive of the installation’s environmental policy goals Targets are detailed performance standards that quantify each objective Should be achievable and measurable Periodically review and revise
Objectives and Targets-Types
Objectives and Targets- Relationships Objectives and Targets Requirements Risk-Based Priorities Environmental Policy Goals Mission, Local Conditions Media Programs PlanDo Actions, Projects
Actions and Projects Actions - behavioral/administrative initiatives or outside support within the CO’s means –Realign existing R/R –Develop and provide training or procedures –Secure NAVFAC support Projects - initiatives requiring external funding, requested and justified through PPBS –P2 investments –Studies –Plan development
Actions and Projects- Relationships Risk-Based Priorities Objectives and Targets Monitoring and Measurement Actions PlanDoCheck POM Projects Programs
Policy Planning Implementation Checking/Corrective Action Management Review
Structure: The EMS Team Designated by Installation/Regional Commander Includes Senior Management (EQB) –CO/XO’s of installation and tenants –Department/Division managers –Environmental office manager Includes Technical Support and EMS Implementation –Media managers and other environmental office staff –Environmental POCs
EMS Team may include personnel from Tenants Production Maintenance ROICC Supply Quality Human Resources Environmental Safety and Health Public Affairs Comptroller BOS Contractors
Structure: Environmental Office Media programs –Mature –Already in place EMS elements in place –P2 –Legal requirements –Emergency response –PPBS –Training
Structure: Practice Owners “Command, unit, or office that uses a practice to accomplish its mission” Authority to accomplish their mission using a practice responsibility to control its aspects Accountability = Responsibilities +Authority
EMS Elements Media Programs Practices EMS Team Environmental Office Practice Owners
Training -Current Required by Regulation –Media related: HW worker, WWTP operation, asbestos worker, emergency response Job Related –Generally for environmental staff: NEPA, ERMS, computer skills
Training for EMS Implementation Initial EMS Team Training –Senior Management –Environmental Support Staff Practice Owners Training –Environmental SOPs –Video –Interactive –Web
EMS Description Document Include installation EMS Policy Demonstrates & communicates implementation –Objectives and targets –Organizational structure and key responsibilities –EMS elements –Incorporate or provide a roadmap to information supporting each EMS element
Communication Internal –Senior management’s role –Environmental staff translate requirements into procedures and distribute to practice owners –Mechanism for practice owners to communicate with Environmental Office External –Public Affairs Office
Environmental SOPs Document for each practice –Location, owner, POC –Aspects and potential impacts
Environmental SOPs Document for each practice –Location, owner, POC –Aspects and potential impacts –Requirements, Procedures, Responsibilities for Operational control Communications Emergency preparedness and response Inspection Training
Environmental SOPs Document for each practice –Location, owner, POC –Aspects and potential impacts –Requirements, Procedures, Responsibilities for Operational control Communications Emergency preparedness and response Inspection Training –Design, capacity, inputs –Physical controls, P2 options, and BMPs in place
Tailored Environmental SOPs Practice owners need to know or provide –Location, owner, POC – – Procedures, Responsibilities for Operational control Communications Emergency preparedness and response Inspection Training
Emergency Preparedness & Response Plans prepared, not distributed Training up to date ?? Distribute procedures in Environmental SOPs
Policy Planning Implementation Checking/Corrective Action Management Review
Monitoring and Measurement Sampling and analysis Internal assessment efforts Tracking progress in meeting objectives and targets
Problem/Cause Identification Corrective/Preventive Action Review results of internal assessment efforts Conduct “problem solving”
Problem/Cause Identification Corrective/Preventive Action Suggested “problem solving” approach –Define problem –Analyze root causes –Develop alternatives –Select corrective action –Develop corrective action –Implement corrective action –Follow-up
EMS Review Answer two questions –Does the EMS, as described in the EMS Description Document, meet current Navy criteria? –Does the EMS, as implemented, effectively do what the EMS Description Document says it will do?
Policy Planning Implementation Checking/Corrective Action Management Review
Management Review Analyze results of following –EMS review –Internal assessments –Status of corrective/preventive actions –Progress in meeting objectives and targets Implement improvements to EMS –Revise policy –Revise objectives and targets –Revise EMS procedures –Document results
Conclusions You already have a lot elements in place –Requirements –P2 –Programs –PPBS –Emergency Response –Checking and Corrective Action (EQA Program)
Conclusions Initial EMS improvements you can do –Designate EMS Team –Obtain/provide initial EMS training –Develop/distribute Policy –Add aspects and impacts to practice inventory –Conduct risk evaluation –Develop objective and targets –Complete EQA implementation
Questions? Discussion