Tenure and Promotion Guidelines and Tips for Lecturers Cher Phillips & Kellie Roberts Dial Center for Written & Oral Communication College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Make the Decision Early Be aware of guidelines and timeline Be aware of guidelines and timeline Decision should be made by May Decision should be made by May Your packet will take time and effort to put together – Give yourself, your peers, co-workers, and staff the time they need to help you put together the best possible packet. Your packet will take time and effort to put together – Give yourself, your peers, co-workers, and staff the time they need to help you put together the best possible packet. This is for your promotion!!
Guidelines Tenure and Promotion Guidelines are found at all levels: UF: w UF: /TPGuidelines pdfw ww.aa.ufl.edu/aa/aapers/ /TPGuidelines pdf College for Guidelines: Promguide0103.pdf College for Guidelines: Promguide0103.pdf Promguide0103.pdf Promguide0103.pdf College for Lecturers/Scholars: ies/approved/PromotionLecturerScholar.pdf College for Lecturers/Scholars: ies/approved/PromotionLecturerScholar.pdf ies/approved/PromotionLecturerScholar.pdf ies/approved/PromotionLecturerScholar.pdf Department, center or program: as you promote faculty, they will develop guidelines.
Timeline: Spring Start conversations with your mentor and chair, review your AARs and other materials and begin collecting them for your referee letters Sign the letter of intent – you must decide if you want to view your letters or not Provide your Chair with names and contact information for potential outside referees
Referees Chair will need names of outside referees (normally 3 are from your list and 3 from the Chair’s list) Provide a referee list that is greater than the final number of referees required Referees should be: colleagues in your field (but not close friends) able to speak to your efforts in teaching, research, and/or service above you in rank Provide a bio for each referee
Timeline: April Outside reviewers are contacted by Chair to determine their willingness to write on your behalf A sample of the Chair’s letter of request to potential referees must be provided in the packet Referees should be alerted that their letters of reference must be received by the end of August
Timeline: May-June Candidate’s materials are forwarded to each referee The review packet should include candidate’s CV, publications, research narrative, teaching narrative, etc. Some bind this preliminary packet, others do not Note: this is not your final promotion packet but a sampling for your referees’ use, and a jumpstart on the real thing for you
Timeline: June - August Final T&P packet is compiled Consider using a template or work from the UF/College Guidelines Ask others in your department to review their successful packets to get an idea how items are worded, etc. Do NOT use a former colleague's packet as a model to build your packet Remember, the accuracy of the packet is your responsibility, not that of the office manager, or College office
Timeline: Timeline: September-October 15th Department T&P Committee reviews packet and votes Chair’s letter is written noting Department’s Vote Review of Chair’s letter with names of people redacted October-December - College T&P committee reviews packet and votes CLAS T&P Committee is made up of 9 full professors, 3 from each major area (humanities, social sciences, natural and mathematical sciences) and one lecturer
Timeline: December-August December-January - December-January - Dean writes letter of transmittal to Academic Personnel Board April - President’s letter of transmittal to Board of Trustees (candidate will receive copy) August - Tenure and Promotion to next level occurs with the new title and salary adjustment Promotion notification usually arrives in July
Timeline: On-going Peer Evaluations You need several from each year that you teach (minimum 2/year) Peers can also be outside of your department Letters versus Evaluation Forms Must include suggestions for improvement or areas to work on Peer Evaluation Process: office visit, classroom visit, evaluation
Formatting the T&P Packet This is your promotion – be in control of it Takes time to compile older student/teacher eval numbers, give yourself time CLAS Template – we suggest using it or creating one due to pagination difficulty and consistency Student Teacher Evaluation Grid
Course Evals - sample
Other Reminders Be aware of departmental and college deadlines and meet them Who checks content? Internal review College review
Staff responsibilities Keeper of packet materials in-process Checking another level of formatting Work with electronic files – rather than hard copies Double-sided copies and corrections - As errors are discovered, faculty corrects but staff will still have to make new copies
Q & A Any questions?