Back to School Night 2011 Honors Anatomy and Physiology
About Me I live in Pilesgrove with my husband and 2 children Education FSU BS in Psychology and Biology MA in Environmental Education and Conservation from Rowan College of New Jersey. Post-Baccalaureate in Secondary Education in Biological Sciences from Rowan University Work experience Zoo Atlanta for 4 years in the education department Butterfly Exhibit Manager at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia Taught 4 years at Clayton High School This is my 8 th year at Woodstown High School
Classroom Expectations On time and prepared Late work will be penalized Phone calls home will be made Cell phones are not to be seen or heard. A teacher detention and phone call home will be made.
Course Objectives Identify and function the major systems of the body Dissection of a dogfish, mudpuppy and a cat, identifying major organs and their function Awareness of various careers in medicine and the allied health profession, comparing structures in each animal Job shadowing project
Grading system 50% tests/projects 30% Quizzes/labs 20% Cw/Hw Oncourse is the new homework connection, updates at 2pm each day. Please contact me if student will be out extended time.
Key to success Complete homework Study vocab/flash cards Read!! Practice on your family Come to class prepared Ask for help if needed!!
Textbook The Human Body in Health & Disease Thibodeau and Patton 2009 Each student has been issued a textbook that should be covered!
Contact me Communication: Please if possible! – ext 848