NuPECC – 13 June 2014 Department of Physics University of Jyväskylä JYFL
NuPECC Meeting in June 2004 in Jyväskylä
NuPECC Meeting 2004 in Jyväskylä
Funding: Approximately 8M€ a year Personnel (NuPNET survey 2010) 145 in total = 120 physicists + 25 supporting staff = 100 at JYFL in Jyväskylä + 45 in Helsinki 120 physicists = 22 tenured + 32 fixed term + 60 PhD students Quantum Chromodynamics 8 Phases of nuclear matter 15 Nuclear structure 44 Nuclei in the universe 0 Fundamental interactions 11 Applications of nuclear science 27 Running user facilities 19 Accelerator and detector R&D 21 OBS! Small number of permanent positions and supporting personnel NuPECC Physics in Finland
Physics with cooled and trapped radioactive ions (IGISOL at JYFL-ACCLAB) Structure of very heavy and proton-rich nuclei (Separators and spectrometers at JYFL-ACCLAB ) Nuclear reactions (JYFL-ACCLAB) Ion-beam developments and applications (with accelerators at JYFL-ACCLAB) Theory for nuclear structure and rare decays (JYFL and FiDiPro groups) Nuclear and Accelerator Based Physics
Ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions (JYFL group for ALICE/CERN experiments) Ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions (JYFL theory group) Particle physics and cosmology (JYFL theory group) High-energy physics
JYFL-ACCLAB is on the national roadmap
JYU Ranking in Nordic Countries – Physics & Maths
WoS Research area (JYU top sectors) JY % 2013 ( 2012*) JY % goal 2016 Nuclear Physics26,3 (25,6 %)30 % Sport Sciences8,6 % (9,5 %)15 % Evolutionary Biology3,9 %(3,8 %)5 % Education and Educational Research7,3 % (7,2 %)10 % Gerontology7,7 % (8,0 %)10 % Total9,4 % (9,5 %)12,7 % University Board 12th March 2014: Strategy Implementation ”Strengthen the status of the JYU top sectors within the international scientific community” Success indicator: Publication activity compared to other Nordic countries Contribution of publications in Nordic countries