EOGEO 2005 Workshop Participant Report Shinobu Kawahito, JAXA/RESTEC
WGISS 20 EOGEO Workshop Report 2 Overview EOGEO 2005 Workshop – workshop concurrent with “Open Source Geospatial '05” (the EOGEO, MapServer, and OSGIS communities) – Several CEOS/WGISS agencies attended. – EOGEO workshop had many attendees. – Huge number of participants in the whole workshop who had interests in geo-spatial systems/applications development. –A lot of sessions were held in parallel (free tools, DB management, applications, user interfaces, etc.)
WGISS 20 EOGEO Workshop Report 3 From the EOGEO opening statements - Necessity of easy and user-friendly access to geo-spatial data - From Standards to Infrastructure There are enough standards and basic technology to get started. Need tailoring, customization, how-to documentation, cookbooks, hand-holding, education, etc. coordination among Suppliers, NGOs, Beneficiaries.Need coordination among Suppliers, NGOs, Beneficiaries. The most important aspect is building reproducible, sustainable, turn-key applications that fit into a greater framework. For instance, in the case of the tsunami in the Philippines in 2004, only 1 NGO site out of 9 sites provided map/images for relief activities. Existence of gap for end user
WGISS 20 EOGEO Workshop Report 4 Items from the workshop (1/4) WMS Time Series with Mapbuilder - Open Source JavaScript framework to build web clients - AJAX + browser XSLT + DHTML + DOM - Mapbuilder generates a sequence of GetMap requests with timestamps. Shows rapid sequence of images like a movie
WGISS 20 EOGEO Workshop Report 5 GeoNetwork OpenSource - Catalogue system developed in the UN (A web based catalogue application. A component in the GSDI. The foundation of a custom site.) - Support for multiple metadata standards (ISO19115, FGDC, DC) - Support for OGC Catalog interfaces (Z39.50 & CSW2) - Multiple Access Mode (HTML access from browsers, XML access over HTTP from client applications) Items from the workshop (2/4) GeoNetwork - Open Source Geospatial Data Catalogue
WGISS 20 EOGEO Workshop Report 6 Items from the workshop (3/4) VAM SIE HQ VAM SIE ODK VAM SIE ODJ VAM SIE ODD VAM SIE Ethiopia VAM SIE Sudan VAM SIE ODPC VAM SIE ODB VAM SIE ODC VAM SIE Afghanistan Some existing GeoNetwork Nodes FAO HQ SETSAN Mozambique AsiaCover WHO UNEP IWMI
WGISS 20 EOGEO Workshop Report 7 Applications Applications with mobile equipment Applications for User Participation / Community Building (e.g. Wiki embedded applications, etc.) Tools Mapserver (WMS server/client, WFS server/client, WCS server) GRASS (GIS) POSTGIS (PostgreSQL + GIS function) GeoTools / Geoserver, uDig.. Etc. (Tool collections for server, client, db, ) etc. Presentations in other areas Spatial Data Infrastructure Items from the workshop (4/4)