Local Wellness Policy (LWP) Why is it Needed?
Local Wellness Policy (LWP) Why Are You Here?
2004 WIC Child Nutrition Act vs Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act
Principals CCPS Board Health Admin Business Svc Admin Nutrition Staff Parents & Students Parks & Rec Board of Health Nurses Teachers/PE, Health, Coach PTA/PTO CCPS Wellness Policy Development Team Bus/Comm Partners
Committees Goals and Objectives Hold three meetings Update CCPS LWP to include new HHFKA Law Mandates Adoption, public notification and implementation by February 1, 2012 Review CCPS 2006 LWP Compare CCPS LWP to other districts LWP Draft CCPS LWP Submit to Administrative Cabinet for approval Submit to CCPS Board of Ed. for adoption and implementation 6 GoalsObjectives
Minutes from Last Meeting 7
The Goals of the LWP Nutrition Education Physical Activity Other School Based Activities to promote Wellness Nutrition Guidelines Measuring Implementation & Public Notification Local Designation
CCPS’s LWP Development Teams & Goals Apple Teams 1. Gala Team – Nutrition Education 2. Golden Delicious Team – Physical Activity 3. Red Delicious Team – Other School Based Act 4. Granny Smith Team - Nutrition Guidelines 5. McIntosh Team – Measuring Implementation & Public Notification 6. Fuji Team – Local Designation 9
Goal # 1 Nutrition Education Primary Goal: Influence student eating behaviors Build nutrition knowledge and skills to help students make healthy choices Provide nutrition education that is age appropriate and culturally diverse Integrate nutrition education math and reading Provide opportunities for students to have fun Choose nutrition education curriculum that is easy to teach and foster lifelong healthy eating
Goal # 2 Physical Activity Primary Goal for Schools: Provide an opportunity for every student to develop the knowledge and skills for a specific physical activity Maintain a students’ physical fitness Ensure students’ regular participation in physical activity Teach students the short and long benefits of physical activity and healthful lifestyle
Goal # 3 Other School-Based Activities Primary Goal: Create a total school environment that is conducive to healthy eating and being physically active. To include: 1.Dining Environment 2.Time to Eat 3.Food or Physical Activity as a Reward or Punishment 4.Consistent School Activities and Environment
Goal # 4 Nutrition Guidelines Primary Goal for All Food and Beverages Available on School Campuses During the School Day: Lifelong eating habits are influenced by the type of foods and beverages available in their daily environment Ensure that reimbursable school meals meet program requirements and nutrition standards School District must establish standards and guidelines to address all foods and beverages sold and served to students, including those available outside the school meal programs. Examples: Vending, concessions, fundraisers and classroom parties.
Goal # 5 Measuring, Implementation and Public Notification Primary Goal: Maintain, Measure and Evaluate the Effort Establish a plan for measuring implementation of the LWP Periodic assessments to determine how well the policy is being managed and enforced Reinforce LWP goal with staff if necessary Be prepared to update and amend the LWP as the process moves on
Goal # 6 Local Designation Primary Goal: Designate one or more persons with operational responsibility for ensuring that the district and schools are meeting the LWP Train designees on LWP rules and regulations Meet periodically to determine if the LWP is active throughout the school district and effective
Group Activity Team Leaders: 20 minutes updating new team members and review final policy notes Other Wellness Policy models are provided Conduct an open rewrite of CCPS – LWP for all groups to have input
Next Meeting and Steps Wednesday November 2, :00 – 10:00 a.m. Final meeting, conduct another review and prepare for first read by CCPS’s Administrative Cabinet Administrative Cabinet approval Submit to CCPS Board of Education for adoption