Fishing The Fish By Barney Hudson
The Tackle Your tackle is one of the most important things an angler needs it should contain hooks of every size, some line,floats a spare reel and a small packet of boiled sweets.yum!
The fish are a complex and specific race. They have gills that able them to breath (wish that I was one.) I like to fish for Gudgeon my dad fishes for chub.We like a nice peaceful ford.
The Bait The bait is simple. I like to use maggots to catch Gudgeon and worms to catch perch. I normally get my worms from my compost heap. Me and my dad go fishing together. If you have a dad and he is decent he will probably take you fishing!!! If not start begging.
Floats Every angler should have at least two of these.Me and my dad have some one special make these. The best ones should be made out of porcupine quill and cork and then painted.
Good anglers Jim Hudson/my Dad has a very good Vintage fishing company I would recommend. Address you can buy loads!!!