IFTA Committees Projects Reports IFTA/IRP Managers’ and Law Enforcement Workshop October 2013
Attorneys’ Section Steering Committee (Special Committee) Projects Committee meets bimonthly via teleconference Instituted an IFTA Attorney newsletter Review the Committee Charter Review ballot proposals & provide feedback when asked Planned the meeting that took place on September of 2013.
Audit Committee (Standing Committee) Projects Webinar Certificate Program Reviewing the Best Practice Guide Preparing for the 2014 IFTA/IRP Workshop (in Fort Lauderdale, FL, February 25-28, 2014) Sub-Committee: IFTA Compliance Audit Working Group I-CAWG) (in charge of P500 (Recordkeeping) and P 600 (Electronic Data Recording Systems) and the Audit manual and the impact of changes to the Articles of the Agreement. Sub-Committee: Review of the Re-Audit & Re-Examination Working Group (RRWG) Board Charge
Clearinghouse Advisory Committee
(Standing Committee) Projects Monthly Conference Calls Transmittal and Demographic Quality Control review Creating a Best Practice Guide Non-participants using the Funds Netting Process
Commissioners Training Committee
Commissioner Training Committee (Special Committee) Projects They have worked on developing the needs for training, Recommended how training needs can be met, Determined whether to develop written materials, a webinar or both. Note: This charge has been transferred to the APC.
Dispute Resolution Committee
(Standing Committee) Projects Identify three critical areas to examine: Penalties – Expulsion – Early Intervention Present a document to the Board with their observations and recommendations
Information Technology Advisory Committee
(Standing Committee) Projects Provide the Audit Committee with support as it completes its review of the ITAC’s work product regarding vehicle tracking systems and proposed revisions to P600 Research, analyse and draft a white paper containing information regarding web services and how they may be used by the IFTA member jurisdictions
Program Compliance Review Committee
(Standing Committee) Projects 16 reviews are scheduled for 2014 and they will required 32 volunteers from the jurisdictions. In 2013, 12 electronic reviews took place.
Re-audit & Re-examination Working Group
Re-audit and Re-examination Working Group (Special Committee) Charges The RRWG will research, discuss and provide recommendations to the Board regarding policy considerations and questions arising from R1360 (Re-examination by another jurisdiction of an audit done by another member jurisdiction, because the jurisdiction disagrees with the results). It will look at these items without being bound by or attempting to draw conclusions based on the current re-audit and re-examination provisions found in R1360.