Www.oasis-open.org ebXML Registry Technical Committee Defining and managing interoperable registries and repositories Voting members Kathryn Breininger.


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Presentation transcript:

ebXML Registry Technical Committee Defining and managing interoperable registries and repositories Voting members Kathryn Breininger (TC Chair)The Boeing Company Ivan BediniFrance Telecom Monica MartinSun Microsystems Carl MattocksMetLife Farrukh NajmiWellfleet Software Corporation Nikola StojanovicGS1 US David WebberIndividual

ebXML Registry Standard Metadata Federated Information Manage- ment SOA Governance Events Secure Architecture Cataloging, Validation, Version Control, Lifecycle Support, Extensible Info Model Taxonomies, Classifications, Associations Federated Queries, Inter-registry links Digital Signatures, Audit Trail, Access Control, SAML SSO SOA Registry Repository Registration, Discovery, Queries Content-Based Event Notification Key ebXML Registry Features at a Glance

n New Committee Specifications l ebXML Registry Profile for Web Ontology Language (OWL) n Documents in Work l Deployment Profile Template for ebXML Registry 3.0 l ebXML Registry Profile for Web Services l WSRP (Remote Portlets) Profile l Developing additional profiles for specific domains n Open GIS Profile n HL7 Profile n IHE Cross Document Sharing (XDS) n ebXML Core Components Profile l Developing conformance specifications n Education and marketing activities l ebXML Registry Webinar April/May 2007 l ebXML online community l ebXML Registry podcast April 2006 OASIS ebXML Registry TC Work Status

Sampling of ebXML Registry Deployments n Governments of Norway, Finland l Implementing a registry-based environment to assemble XML schemas and electronic forms. n The UN/CEFACT Information Content Management Group (ICG) l Implementing for their Information Content Management Architecture to store United Nations Core Component artifacts. n EDIFRANCE l Trail project to manage core components and business information entities. n Korean ebXML Central Registry & Repository (REMKO) ( l Linked several domains as federated registries: iron and steel, trade sector and software providers. n XDS initiative to Integrate the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) l Collaborating with NIST and industry to define clinical document registries n Others l HL7, GS1-US, US Department of Defense, Government of Ontario, Sprint, and UNSPSC