Ancient African Art
Elements of African Art Resemblence to a human being Ideas about reality Express ideas about spirits or humans through human and animal images
Tankagle Mask Dan, Liberia Cote d’Ivoire Wood, metal, fiber Spirits of the forest who use masks to appear to the people
Luminosity Smooth Surface Decorative shining Rough surface= ugly and deformed
Ere Ibeji Yoruba Nigeria Wood, beads, brass necklaces Twins bless parents with good fortune The head is 1/3 the size of the body because a person’s destiny or inner head Smooth surface without sandpaper
Akua’ba Female Statuette Asante, Ghana Wood Induces pregnancy and assures safe delivery Cared for as a child Asante is matrilineal
Self Composure Subjects are proud, dignified, controlled and cool Measured and rational way
Sowei Mask Mende Sierra Leone Female beauty and Virtue Neck Creases, good health Lowered eyes no gossip Composed inner serenity
Youthfulness Most of the subjects are young Vigor Productiveness Fertility Rarely shows/depicts illness and deformity
Family Group Makonde, Tanzania Wood Artistic unity, imagination, delicate detail Made to trade with Europeans
Gelede Headdress
Gelede cont. Yoruba, Nigeria Wood Festival honors creative and dangerous powers of women elders, Female ancestors, Goddesses “our mothers” Birds dangerous nocturnal powers Snakes artsy and mastery as well as vigilance
Clarity of form, balance and symmetry High value of workmanship Mastery of the medium
Epa Headdress Yoruba, Nigeria Epa festival chiefs, farmers, warriors, hunters, priests and women Men wear this mask while dancing Herbalists heal and contol evil
Chi Wara Headress Bamana, Mali Republic Wood, metal, threads Farming headress honor the farming animal Zig zag symbolizes the sun’s path