Presented by Jomari M. Romano
Is the Smallest Social Institution.
Basic unit of the society Basic educational system.
Basic agent of socialization
Strong family ties. Strong loyalty. Includes extended families. Usually big.
Reproduction of the Race and rearing. Cultural Transmission or enculturation. Socialization of the child. Providing affection. Providing a sense of security.
Providing an environment for personality development and self esteem. Providing social status.
Nuclear or conjugal. -consist of husband, wife and children.
Extended or consanguine. - Includes grandparents, aunts and cousins.
Neolocal – couple lives in a separate household. Patrilocal- couple lives with husbands parents. Matrilocal – couple lives with wife’s parents.
Monogamy Polyandry
Polygamy Cenogamy - Group marriage.
Patriarchal- father is head of household. Matriarchal-mother is head of household. Equalitarian – both parents are haed of the household.
Patriarchal Matriarchal
Bilineal- descent is recognized in both lines. Patrilineal- descent is recognized in father’s line. Matrilineal-descent is recognized in mother’s line.
Bilineal Patrilineal
Book in ed 121. photos from google.