1 Transport description of viscous effects Che-Ming Ko Texas A&M University Introduction A multi-phase transport (AMPT) model Anisotropic flow - Elliptic flow - Higher-order anisotropic flow - Rapidity dependence - System size dependence - Flavor dependence Summary Collaborators: Lie-wen Chen (SJTU), Zie-wei Lin (Univ. Alabama), Bin Zhang (Arkansas State Univ.)
2 Zhang, Gyulassy & Ko, PLB 455, 45 (1999) Elliptic flow from parton cascade Based on Zhang’s parton cascade (ZPC) (CPC 109, 193 (1998)) using minijet partons from HIJING for 200 AGeV and b=7.5fm v 2 of partons is sensitive to their scattering cross section
3 Using α s =0.5 and screening mass μ=gT≈0.6 GeV at T≈0.25 GeV, then 1/2 ≈4.2T≈1 GeV, and pQCD gives σ≈2.5 mb and a transport cross section σ=6 mb → μ≈0.44 GeV, σ t ≈2.7 mb σ=10 mb → μ≈0.35 GeV, σ t ≈3.6 mb Zhang’s parton cascade (ZPC) Bin Zhang, Comp. Phys. Comm. 109, 193 (1998)
4 A multiphase transport (AMPT) model Default: Lin, Pal, Zhang, Li &Ko, PRC 61, (00); 64, (01); 72, (05); Initial conditions: HIJING (soft strings and hard minijets) Parton evolution: ZPC Hadronization: Lund string model for default AMPT Hadronic scattering: ART Convert hadrons from string fragmentation into quarks and antiquarks Evolve quarks and antiquarks in ZPC When partons stop interacting, combine nearest quark and antiquark to meson, and nearest three quarks to baryon (coordinate-space coalescence) Hadron flavors are determined by quarks’ invariant mass String melting: PRC 65, (02); PRL 89, (02)
5 Based on coordinate-space coalescence Need string melting and large parton scattering cross section Mass ordering of v 2 at low p T as in ideal hydrodynamic model Lin & Ko, PRC 65, (2002) Elliptic flow from AMPT σ p = 6 mb
6 Coalescence model Quark distribution function Spin-color statistical factor e.g. Coalescence probability function PRL 90, (2003); PRC 68, (2003) Number of hadrons with n quarks and/or antiquarks For baryons, Jacobi coordinates for three-body system are used.
7 Momentum-space coalescence model Including 4 th order quark flow Meson flow Baryon flow Kolb, Chen, Greco, & Ko, PRC 69 (2004)
8 Data can be described by a multiphase transport (AMPT) model Data Parton cascade Higher-order anisotropic flow Momentum-space coalescence Chen, Ko, & Lin, PRC 69, (04)
9 Strange quarks from AMPT Chen & Ko, PRC 73, (2006)
10 Phi & Omega flows same for phi & Omega but different from quark instead of 1.1 and 0.7 from dynamical coalescence model Chen & Ko, PRC 73, (2006)
11 satisfied for large phi and Omega sizes of 4.5 fm Flows of phi & Omega with large sizes
12 Pseudorapidity dependence of v 1 and v 2 String melting describes data near mid-rapidity (| |<1.5) At large rapidity (| |>3), hadronic picture works better Chen, Greco, Ko & Koch, PLB 605, 95 (2005)
13 System size dependence of elliptic flow Chen & Ko, nucl-th/ v 2 is proportional to size of colliding system
14 Elliptic flow in collisions of asymmetric systems Compared to symmetric collisions Directed flow v 1 is stronger Elliptic flow v 2 is more sensitive to parton cross section Both directed and elliptic flows are asymmetric in forward and backward rapidities
15 Quark elliptic flow from AMPT P T dependence of charm quark v 2 is different from that of light quarks. At high p T, charm quark has similar v 2 as light quarks. Charm elliptic flow is also sensitive to parton cross sections
16 Charm elliptic flow from AMPT Zhang, Chen & Ko, PRC 72, (05) Current light quark masses are used in AMPT. Charmed meson elliptic flow will be larger if constituent quark masses are used. To increase v 2 at low p t requires going beyond parton cascade
17 Summary Elliptic flow is sensitive to parton scattering cross section The AMPT model with string melting can reproduce observed large elliptic flow and mass ordering at low p T with large parton cross section ( quasi bound states in QGP and/or multiparton dynamics gg↔ggg?) Observed hadron v 4 ≈1.2v 2 2 is reproduced with parton v 4 ≈v 2 2 v 1 and v 2 at midrapidity requires formation of partonic matter, while those at large rapidity is consistent with a hadronic matter AMPT predicts: - v 2 scales with the size of colliding system - Stronger v 1 and more sensitivity of v 2 to parton cross section in asymmetric than symmetric collisions, and both show forward-backward asymmetry in rapidity Observed large charmed meson flow requires large charm quark scattering cross section (resonance effect?)