Collaboration status between ASIAA and Subaru Shiang-Yu Wang ( 王祥宇 ) Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics Academia Sinica
Hyper SuprimeCam Fits the interests of ASIAA both in the technical and science aspects Discussions for the collaboration began in late 2006 Funding for HSC-Taiwan secured in 2008 MOU signed Oct 2008
Technical participation in HSC Mechanical Shutter (ASRD) Filter exchanger (ASRD) CCD procurement and test Lens testing system (GEOS) Data reduction software? Fit the needs of the project Learn new technology from the development Brought in the local companies to help
Mechanical shutter Major change of the allowed dimensions in Aug Prototyping stopped Activity transferred to NAOJ New prototype under tests.
Filter exchanger Separated filter exchanger unit is designed to solve the space and weight constrain
Specification for FEU Number of filters: 6 filters Minimum operational life of filter: 40,000 cycles Minimum time between maintenance: 4,000 cycles Max time between two visits in different filters: 10 min (goal 5 min) Accommodate SH filter Filter glass aperture: ϕ 600mm Filter glass thickness: 28mm position reproducibility : 50 micron Weight: 240+/-40 kg
FEU centering mechanism
Lens testing system Test the lens with two different configurations
Expected Schedule Complete detailed design of FEU in March 2009 First CCD chip to be delivered in March 2009 Lens testing system completed in Feb 2010 Delivery of FEU in mid 2010
Scientific interests Enhance the collaboration between Japanese and Taiwanese astronomers to use the Subaru telescope Participate in the HSC survey Mini workshop held in Dec 2008
Interests on HSC survey Enrich the existing research topics –Weak lensing survey (Umestu, Nishioka) –High z galaxies study (Lin, Hsieh, Wang) –GRB & SNa study (Huang, Urata) –Solar system (Abe) Synergy with on-going projects in Taiwan: –AMiBA –ALMA –TAOS –PanSTARRS
Interests on HSC survey Enrich the existing research topics –Weak lensing survey (Umestu, Nishioka) –High z galaxies study (Lin, Hsieh, Wang) –GRB & SNa study (Huang, Urata) –Solar system (Abe) Synergy with on-going projects in Taiwan: –AMiBA –ALMA –TAOS –PanSTARRS
AMiBA (Array for Microwave background Anisotropy) SZE interferometer 13 elements implemented in 2009 Increasing the photon- collecting area by a factor of ~7.4 Angular resolution is 2 arcmin (10’ FoV)
Simulated AMiBA and Subaru Surveys Subaru WL AMiBA13 SZE ng=30 arcmin^-2 zs=1 g)=0.4
TAOS (Taiwan America Occultation Survey) 4 Robotic telescopes for the search of stellar occultation by KBO and EDOs.