Happy 5 th Birthday Formosat-3/COSMIC! 5 th F3-COSMIC Workshop Rick Anthes 13 April 2011 Assembly of six COSMIC microsatellites at NSPO January 2006
Acknowledgments NSF Taiwan’s NSPO and NSC NASA/JPL, NOAA, USAF, ONR, NRL Special thanks to Taiwan’s leaders, scientists and engineers. Without Taiwan’s support none of this would have been possible!
5 Years Ago 14 April 2005
Photos by Rick Anthes
Photos by Rick Anthes’ camera
COSMIC: Major Accomplishments: COSMIC data routinely used in all major global operational centers; significant positive impacts demonstrated in global NWP. Significant impacts on the analysis and prediction of typhoons, atmospheric rivers, Mei-Yu system, heavy rainfall events…. Calibrate AMSU, SSM/I, AIRS, and radiosonde measurements. Study diurnal tide, stratospheric sudden warming, QBO, stratospheric-tropospheric interaction, Kelvin waves, gravity waves, … Drive space-weather assimilation and forecast systems. Study ionospheric events and phenomena (e.g., Wendell Sea anomaly) Approximately 100 papers per year being published, world-wide. Lei et al. (2007), HAO From H. Liu, J. Anderson, C. Snyder Actual Storm With COSMIC No COSMIC
OPAC 2010 Rick Anthes Characteristics of GPS RO Data Limb sounding geometry complementary to ground and space nadir viewing instruments Global coverage Profiles ionosphere, stratosphere and troposphere Only observing system from space that can profile the ABL High accuracy (equivalent to <1 K; average accuracy <0.1 K) High precision ( K) High vertical resolution (0.1 km near surface – 1 km tropopause) Only system from space to observe atmospheric boundary layer All weather-minimally affected by aerosols, clouds or precipitation Independent height and pressure Requires no first guess sounding No calibration required Independent of processing center Independent of mission No instrument drift No satellite-to-satellite bias Compact sensor, low power, low cost Complements IR and microwave sounders Calibrates and reduces biases of IR and microwave sounders All of these characteristics have been demonstrated in peer-reviewed literature
Brief History of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC July 1965 Mariner IV mission to Mars ~1988 JPL proposes RO mission for Earth 1993 UCAR GPS/MET proposal to NSF UCAR GPS/MET-1 st Earth RO mission 1996 Concept of ROCSAT-3/COSMIC originated in Taiwan (UCAR and NSC) 1997 First tech support agreement NSPO 2001 FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC project begins 2006 Launch April 14, th Anniversary of Launch (today!) But the real history is people……..
George Chen, Rick Anthes, Jackson Chang, C.-Y. Tsay Central Weather Bureau, Taipei June 1982
Mar meeting with delegation from Taiwan. RL-6 building on Marine Street. Back row: Shih-Ting Wang (CWB),K-K Chu (Chinese Culture U.), Rick Anthes, Chuck Wu (Dir CWB), Bob Serafin, Ed Zipser, Chia-Chung Yu (Chinese Culture U.), Xiao-Ming Hsu (RAP). Front row: Mark Helmsfield, Lo-Nan Chang (National Central U.), Rit Carbone, George Chen (NTU), Bill Kuo, Peter Hildebrand. Rick B. Kuo G. Chen Bob Serafin
1997 NCAR Foothills Lab-NSC and NSPO Visit Yi-Der Chuang, Rick, C.-Y. Tsay, Bob S., Mike E., CH Liu, Jia-Ming Hsu, Lou Lee, Bill Chang
Signing of Agreement at NSC August 1997
Early days of COSMIC in Taipei. August Mike Exner (GPS/MET), Jing-Fu Chang (Vice Chair NSC), Bob, C.-Y. Tsay (Vice Chair, NSC)
In front of new Central Weather Bureau Building in Taipei in August Bill Kuo, Bob, Director Shinn-Liang Shieh, Rick, Jack Lin (CWB).
COSMIC Signing May 2001 National Science Council Taipei Back row: Betty Benmark, Jeff Reaves, Behind Bill Kuo and next To Jeff is Tom McDermott, Pei-Yu Huang (in blue jacket), David Rogers, CH Liu, partially hidden, Bill Chang, Chris R., Paul Chen Front row: David Thompson, Rick, Tze-Ho Wei (NSC Chairman), CY Tsay, Ching Hsieh (NSC Vice Chairman), Lou Lee
COSMIC Retreat October 2005 Jay! Chris Sergey Bill SDave Lidia JeffBill K Doug
FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 the story continues….. FORMOSAT-3 Occultations – 3 Hrs Coverage FORMOSAT-7 Occultations – 3 Hrs Coverage FORMOSAT-3 FORMOSAT-7