Marketing (2) Selling
Effective Selling Making sales is the biggest hurdle facing most start-up businesses. It’s often the make-or-break factor. But there are several ways to boost your success rate when its just you and the customer
The Same Basic Approach Whatever you are selling - there are four essential stages: Make sure you are talking to the right person Find out your customers’ needs Sell the benefits, not the features Close the sale
Before Contacting a Customer Does this person need my product? Why does this person need it? Do I know enough about the customer? Who is their current supplier? Has the customer got enough money? Can I get an introduction? Who is the decision-maker?
Be Clear What you Want Work out the result you want from every interaction with a potential customer Even if you get a rejection, keep building up your information on each prospect – it will help you next time
Get to the Decision-Maker Greet the initial person Be open and honest Show knowledge of the customer Show a benefit of your product Ask for help Ask for an appointment at a definite time
Create Interest Establish right away that you are not wasting a prospect’s time (show understanding of problems, benefits of your product) If possible ask questions which can only be answered ‘Yes’ (creates positive momentum)
Do they need your product? Remember, benefits not features Use open questions to find out more Make sure your prospect understands their own needs and opportunities (with your ‘take’ added) Confirm the need is important enough to merit taking action
Emphasise the Benefits Sell the benefits, not the features Match benefits to the prospect’s needs Quantify the benefits Produce evidence to back up your claims Mention customers and their feedback Be prepared to discuss rival products and counter with proof
Objections to the Sale There is an established relationship with an existing supplier Customer likes your product but feels its too expensive Doubts voiced about quality Customer pleads lack of money
Handling Objections Acknowledge the validity of the prospect’s concern Tackle the objection directly and from the customer’s perspective Talk about the specific benefits of your product
Closing the Sale Don’t expect a customer to close the sale for you When the customer is ready to buy, stop selling Check and confirm what has been agreed Close the sale “can I take your order now?”