A. It has simple leaves B. It has compound leaves
A. There are seven or more elliptic, entire and pointed leaflets and the last is the biggestpointed leaflets B. There are nine or more ovate, entire leaflets with similar size size
A. It has lanceolate leaves B. It doesn’t have lanceolate leaves
NOGAL inicio
A. According to the edge, it has entire leaves edge B. The leaves aren’t entires
A. It has big leaves, over cm length finely pointed at tiplength finelytip B. The leaves are smaller and silver-grey by one side Olive treeside
B. It is an evergreen tree with dentate leaves evergreen A. It is a deciduous tree with pink or white flowers, whose blossom before the serrate leavesdeciduousblossom
A. The leaves are elliptic B. The leaves aren’t elliptic
A. It has lobed leaves and the seed is inside an acorn seed acorn B. It has dentate leaves and the seed is inside a chestnutchestnut C. It has sinuate leaves and they are used to cook because their aromatic smellsmell
A. It has acicular leaves B. It doesn’t have acicular leaves
B It has groups up to 20 leaves together and they are shorter (1 to 3 cm) A. It has groups from 2 to 5 leaves together and they are usually long (more than 3cm)
A. The leaves are ovate B. The leaves aren’t ovate
A. It has dentate leaves and it’s also called “evergreen oak” because it has acorns tooevergreen B. It has serrate leaves with asymmetric bases and an alternate position in the stemstem C. The leaves are sinuate and they have a long petiole (4-6 cm)
A. It has cordate leaves B. It doesn’t have cordate leaves
A. The edge is lobed and also dentate also B. The edge is lobed and also sinuate
A. The leaves have the shape of a fan and they are parallel- veinedshapefan B. The leaves have triangular shape and they are tiny, like scales on a fishtiny scalesfish
Acorn:Bellota Also:También Blossom: Florecer Chestnut:Castaña Deciduous: Caduco Edge:Borde Evergreen:Perenne Fan: Abanico Finely: Finamente Fish:Pez Leaflet:Foliolo Length:Longitud Pointed: Puntiaguda Scale: Escama Seed:Semilla Shape:Forma Side: Lado Size: Tamaño Smell:Olor Stem:Rama Tiny: Diminuto Tip:Punta