The Theory of Consumer Choice 21 The Theory of Consumer Choice
Budget Constraint: What the Consumer can Afford Limit on the consumption bundles that a consumer can afford Trade-off between goods Slope of the budget constraint Rate at which the consumer can trade one good for the other Change in the vertical distance Divided by the change in the horizontal distance Relative price of the two goods
The consumer’s budget constraint (table) 1 The consumer’s budget constraint (table) Number of Pizzas Pints of Pepsi Spending on Pizza on Pepsi Total spending 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 150 200 300 350 400 450 500 $1,000 900 800 700 600 $0 1,000 The budget constraint shows the various bundles of goods that the consumer can buy for a given income. Here the consumer buys bundles of pizza and Pepsi. The table and graph show what the consumer can afford if his income is $1,000, the price of pizza is $10, and the price of Pepsi is $2.
The consumer’s budget constraint (graph) 1 The consumer’s budget constraint (graph) Quantity of Pepsi B 500 Consumer’s budget constraint C 250 50 A Quantity of Pizza 100 The budget constraint shows the various bundles of goods that the consumer can buy for a given income. Here the consumer buys bundles of pizza and Pepsi. The table and graph show what the consumer can afford if his income is $1,000, the price of pizza is $10, and the price of Pepsi is $2.
Preferences: What the Consumer Wants Indifference curve Shows consumption bundles that give the consumer the same level of satisfaction Combinations of goods on the same curve Same satisfaction Slope of indifference curve Marginal rate of substitution Rate at which a consumer is willing to trade one good for another Not the same at all points
The consumer’s preferences 2 The consumer’s preferences Quantity Of Pepsi I2 Indifference curve, I1 C B D MRS A 1 Quantity of Pizza The consumer’s preferences are represented with indifference curves, which show the combinations of pizza and Pepsi that make the consumer equally satisfied. Because the consumer prefers more of a good, points on a higher indifference curve (I2 here) are preferred to points on a lower indifference curve (I1). The marginal rate of substitution (MRS) shows the rate at which the consumer is willing to trade Pepsi for pizza. It measures the quantity of Pepsi the consumer must be given in exchange for 1 pizza.
Preferences: What the Consumer Wants Four properties of indifference curves Higher indifference curves are preferred to lower ones Higher indifference curves – more goods Indifference curves are downward sloping Indifference curves do not cross Indifference curves are bowed inward
The impossibility of intersecting indifference curves 3 The impossibility of intersecting indifference curves Quantity Of Pepsi C A B Quantity of Pizza A situation like this can never happen. According to these indifference curves, the consumer would be equally satisfied at points A, B, and C, even though point C has more of both goods than point A.
Bowed indifference curves 4 Bowed indifference curves Indifference curves are usually bowed inward. This shape implies that the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) depends on the quantity of the two goods the consumer is consuming. At point A, the consumer has little pizza and much Pepsi, so he requires a lot of extra Pepsi to induce him to give up one of the pizzas: The marginal rate of substitution is 6 pints of Pepsi per pizza. At point B, the consumer has much pizza and little Pepsi, so he requires only a little extra Pepsi to induce him to give up one of the pizzas: The marginal rate of substitution is 1 pint of Pepsi per pizza. Quantity Of Pepsi Indifference curve 14 MRS=8 2 A 8 1 3 4 B MRS=1 6 3 1 7 Quantity of Pizza
Preferences: What the Consumer Wants Two extreme examples of indifference curves Perfect substitutes Two goods with straight-line indifference curves Marginal rate of substitution – constant E.g.: nickels and dimes bundles Perfect complements Two goods with right-angle indifference curves E.g.: right shoe and left shoe bundle
Perfect substitutes and perfect complements 5 Perfect substitutes and perfect complements (a) Perfect Substitutes (b) Perfect Complements Nickels 6 2 4 Left shoes I2 I1 I3 7 I2 5 5 7 I1 Dimes 1 3 2 Right shoes When two goods are easily substitutable, such as nickels and dimes, the indifference curves are straight lines, as shown in panel (a). When two goods are strongly complementary, such as left shoes and right shoes, the indifference curves are right angles, as shown in panel (b).
Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses The consumer’s optimal choices Optimum Point where indifference curve and budget constraint touch Best combination of goods available to the consumer Slope of indifference curve Equals slope of budget constraint Marginal rate of substitution = relative price
The consumer’s optimum 6 The consumer’s optimum Quantity of Pepsi Budget constraint I3 Optimum I2 I1 A B Quantity of Pizza The consumer chooses the point on his budget constraint that lies on the highest indifference curve. At this point, called the optimum, the marginal rate of substitution equals the relative price of the two goods. Here the highest indifference curve the consumer can reach is I2. The consumer prefers point A, which lies on indifference curve I3, but the consumer cannot afford this bundle of pizza and Pepsi. By contrast, point B is affordable, but because it lies on a lower indifference curve, the consumer does not prefer it.
Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses How changes in income affect the consumer’s choices Higher income Consumer can afford more of both goods Shifts the budget constraint outward New optimum
7 An Increase in Income Quantity of New budget constraint Pepsi 1. An increase in income shifts the budget constraint outward . . . I2 3. . . . and Pepsi consumption I1 New optimum Initial budget constraint Initial optimum 2. . . . raising pizza consumption . . . Quantity of Pizza When the consumer’s income rises, the budget constraint shifts out. If both goods are normal goods, the consumer responds to the increase in income by buying more of both of them. Here the consumer buys more pizza and more Pepsi.
Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses How changes in income affect the consumer’s choices Normal good Good for which an increase in income raises the quantity demanded Inferior good Good for which an increase in income reduces the quantity demanded
8 An inferior good Quantity of New budget constraint Pepsi 1. When an increase in income shifts the budget constraint outward . . . I2 3. . . . but Pepsi consumption falls, making Pepsi an inferior good I1 Initial budget constraint Initial optimum New optimum 2. . . . pizza consumption rises, making pizza a normal good. . . Quantity of Pizza A good is an inferior good if the consumer buys less of it when his income rises. Here Pepsi is an inferior good: When the consumer’s income increases and the budget constraint shifts outward, the consumer buys more pizza but less Pepsi.
Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses How changes in prices affect the consumer’s choices Price of one good falls Rotates the budget constraint outward Steeper slope Change in relative price Income effect Substitution effect
9 A change in price Quantity of Pepsi New budget constraint I2 D 1,000 New optimum 1. A fall in the price of Pepsi rotates the budget constraint outward. . . 3. . . . and raising Pepsi consumption B 500 Initial budget constraint Initial optimum 2. . . . reducing pizza consumption A 100 Quantity of Pizza When the price of Pepsi falls, the consumer’s budget constraint shifts outward and changes slope. The consumer moves from the initial optimum to the new optimum, which changes his purchases of both pizza and Pepsi. In this case, the quantity of Pepsi consumed rises, and the quantity of pizza consumed falls.
Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses Income effect Change in consumption When a price change moves the consumer To a higher or lower indifference curve Substitution effect Along a given indifference curve To a point with a new marginal rate of substitution
Income and substitution effects when the price of Pepsi falls 1 Income and substitution effects when the price of Pepsi falls Good Income effect Substitution effect Total effect Pepsi Pizza Consumer is richer, so he buys more Pepsi so he buys more pizza Pepsi is relatively cheaper, so consumer buys more Pepsi Pizza is relatively More expensive, so consumer buys less pizza. Income and substitution effects act in same direction, so consumer effects act in opposite directions, so the total effect on pizza consumption is ambiguous.
Income and substitution effects 10 Income and substitution effects Quantity of Pepsi The effect of a change in price can be broken down into an income effect and a substitution effect. The substitution effect—the movement along an indifference curve to a point with a different marginal rate of substitution—is shown here as the change from point A to point B along indifference curve I1. The income effect—the shift to a higher indifference curve—is shown here as the change from point B on indifference curve I1 to point C on indifference curve I2. New budget constraint I2 I1 New optimum C Income effect B Initial budget constraint Substitution effect Initial optimum A Quantity of Pizza Substitution effect Income effect
Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses Deriving the demand curve Quantity demanded of a good for any given price Initial optimum point Initial price of the good Initial quantity of the good A change in price of the good (new price) New optimum New optimum quantity
Deriving the demand curve 11 Deriving the demand curve (a) The Consumer’s Optimum (b) The Demand Curve for Pepsi Quantity of Pepsi Price of Pepsi New budget constraint I2 B A $2 Demand 750 250 I1 B Initial budget constraint 1 A 750 250 Quantity of Pizza Quantity of Pepsi Panel (a) shows that when the price of Pepsi falls from $2 to $1, the consumer’s optimum moves from point A to point B, and the quantity of Pepsi consumed rises from 250 to 750 pints. Demand curve in panel (b) reflects this relationship between the price and the quantity demanded.
Three Applications Do all demand curves slope downward? Law of demand When the price of a good rises, people buy less of it Downward slope of the demand curve Giffen good An increase in the price of the good raises the quantity demanded Income effect dominates the substitution effect Demand curve – slopes upward
12 A Giffen good Quantity of Potatoes Initial budget constraint 1. An increase in the price of potatoes rotates the budget constraint inward . . . B D I2 Optimum with high price of potatoes E New budget constraint I1 2. . . . which increases potato consumption if potatoes are a Giffen good. Optimum with low price of potatoes C A Quantity of Meat In this example, when the price of potatoes rises, the consumer’s optimum shifts from point C to point E. In this case, the consumer responds to a higher price of potatoes by buying less meat and more potatoes.
The search for Giffen goods Potatoes - Giffen good during the Irish potato famine of the 19th century Price of potatoes rose Large income effect People – cut back on the luxury of meat Buy more of the staple food of potatoes Chinese province of Hunan, rice Poor households exhibited Giffen behavior Lower price of rice (with subsidy voucher) Households - reduce their consumption of rice Higher price of rice (remove the subsidy) Households – increase consumption of rice
Three Applications How do wages affect labor supply? Trade-off between leisure and consumption Bundle of goods: leisure and work Given wage Budget constraint Optimum
The work-leisure decision 13 The work-leisure decision Consumption $5,000 I1 I2 I3 Optimum 2,000 60 Hours of leisure 100 This figure shows Sally’s budget constraint for deciding how much to work, her indifference curves for consumption and leisure, and her optimum.
Three Applications How do wages affect labor supply? Increase in wage Budget constraint shifts outward Steeper New optimum If enjoy less leisure Work more Upward-sloping labor supply curve Substitution effect dominates
Three Applications How do wages affect labor supply? Increase in wage Budget constraint shifts outward Steeper New optimum If enjoy more leisure Work less Backward-sloping labor supply curve Income effect dominates
An increase in the wage (a) 14 An increase in the wage (a) (a) For a person with these preferences . . . . . . the labor supply curve slopes upward. Consumption Wage BC2 I2 Labor supply B 1. When the wage rises . . . I1 BC1 A Hours of Leisure Hours of Labor Supplied 2. . . . hours of leisure decrease . . . 3. . . . and hours of labor increase The two panels of this figure show how a person might respond to an increase in the wage. The graphs on the left show the consumer’s initial budget constraint, BC1, and new budget constraint, BC2, as well as the consumer’s optimal choices over consumption and leisure. The graphs on the right show the resulting labor-supply curve. Because hours worked equal total hours available minus hours of leisure, any change in leisure implies an opposite change in the quantity of labor supplied. In panel (a), when the wage rises, consumption rises and leisure falls, resulting in a labor-supply curve that slopes upward.
An increase in the wage (b) 14 An increase in the wage (b) (b) For a person with these preferences . . . . . . the labor supply curve slopes backward Consumption Wage BC2 I2 I1 1. When the wage rises . . . Labor supply BC1 Hours of Leisure Hours of Labor Supplied 2. . . . hours of leisure increase . . . 3. . . . and hours of labor decrease The two panels of this figure show how a person might respond to an increase in the wage. The graphs on the left show the consumer’s initial budget constraint, BC1, and new budget constraint, BC2, as well as the consumer’s optimal choices over consumption and leisure. The graphs on the right show the resulting labor-supply curve. Because hours worked equal total hours available minus hours of leisure, any change in leisure implies an opposite change in the quantity of labor supplied. In panel (b), when the wage rises, both consumption and leisure rise, resulting in a labor-supply curve that slopes backward.
Labor- supply curve, over long periods A hundred years ago Today Income effects on labor supply: historical trends, lottery winners,& Carnegie conjecture Labor- supply curve, over long periods Slope backward A hundred years ago People worked six days a week Today Five-day workweeks Length of the workweek has been falling Wage of the typical worker (adjusted for inflation) has been rising
Explanation: Advances in technology Income effects on labor supply: historical trends, lottery winners,& Carnegie conjecture Explanation: Advances in technology Higher worker productivity Increase in demand for labor Higher equilibrium wages Greater reward for working Income effect dominates substitution effect More leisure Less work
Winners of lotteries Large increase in incomes Income effects on labor supply: historical trends, lottery winners,& Carnegie conjecture Winners of lotteries Large increase in incomes Large outward shifts in budget constraints Same slope No substitution effect Income effect on labor supply Substantial People who win the lottery – tend to quit their jobs
Andrew Carnegie, 19th century Income effects on labor supply: historical trends, lottery winners,& Carnegie conjecture Andrew Carnegie, 19th century “The parent who leaves his son enormous wealth generally deadens the talents and energies of the son, and tempts him to lead a less useful and less worthy life than he otherwise would” Income effect on labor supply – substantial
Three Applications How do interest rates affect household saving? Income decision Consume today or Save for future Bundle of goods Consumption today and Consumption in the future Relative price = interest rates Optimum: Budget constraint & Indifference curves
The consumption-saving decision 15 The consumption-saving decision Consumption when Old $110,000 I1 I2 I3 Optimum 55,000 $50,000 Consumption when Young 100,000 This figure shows the budget constraint for a person deciding how much to consume in the two periods of his life, the indifference curves representing his preferences, and the optimum.
Three Applications How do interest rates affect household saving? Increase in interest rates Budget constraint – shifts outward Steeper Consumption in the future – rises If consume less today Substitution effect dominates; Save more If consume more today Income effect dominates; Save less
An increase in the interest rate 16 An increase in the interest rate (a) Higher Interest Rate Raises Saving (b) Higher Interest Rate Lowers Saving Consumption When old Consumption When old BC2 1. A higher interest rate rotates the budget constraint outward . . . 1. A higher interest rate rotates the budget constraint outward . . . BC2 I2 I2 I1 BC1 I1 BC1 Consumption when Young Consumption when Young 2. . . . resulting in lower consumption when young and, thus, higher saving. 2. . . . resulting in higher consumption when young and, thus, lower saving. In both panels, an increase in the interest rate shifts the budget constraint outward. In panel (a), consumption when young falls, and consumption when old rises. The result is an increase in saving when young. In panel (b), consumption in both periods rises. The result is a decrease in saving when young.