Funding Objectives To understand the importance to be given to the preparation of appropriate budget in order to implement and operate Regulatory Authority’s functions according to the law
Funding Contents Means of funding Data for budget preparation Justification of resource requirements Financial planning
Means of funding State budget Government should give funding Special budget to establish the operation of the new Regulatory Authority (offices, etc.) Provide annual funding for the operation of the RA based on the volume of the established regulatory programme (number of licences, inspections, etc.) Provision on state funding needs to be addressed in legislation Main source of funding
Means of funding Fees Authority to levy charges needs to be provided for in legislation There should not be a direct link to the Regulatory Authority budget Channelled to the state treasury
Means of funding Services Should not be used for funding regulatory activities Usually no profit allowed Indirect advantages – wider staff skills base – wider equipment range – wider funding for internal services and overheads
Activities requiring resources (1/3) Preparation of regulations and codes of practice Notification and authorization processes Statements and approvals Inspections Enforcement actions Emergency preparedness work Data for budget preparation
Activities requiring resources (2/3) Co-operation and co-ordination activities Training (internal, external) Services Information dissemination (licensees and the general public) Data for budget preparation
Activities requiring resources (3/3) Reporting of activities Management and quality system Administration and support Planning and development of activities Data for budget preparation
Inventory of practices and sources Medical applications Research and medical screenings Industrial applications Industrial processes Import, export of and trade in radioactive sources Repair and maintenance work Data for budget preparation
Justification of resource requirements Regulatory Authority Size commensurate with the extent and nature of facilities and activities to be regulated Adequate resources to discharge its responsibilities and to maintain its independence
Resources are needed for Staffing and staff training Office (facilities and operational costs) Equipment and its maintenance Inspection operational costs Consultant/advisory services Co-operation (e.g. travelling costs) Justification of resource requirements
For each type of practices Annual number of Notications, authorizations (also amendments) Inspections Statements Approvals Required staffing and funding? Similar assessment for all activities Justification of resource requirements
Financial planning Vision and strategies Organization of the Regulatory Authority Utilisation of resources in near term and long term Priority setting Planning Action plans, programmes and projects that align the strategic objectives Priority setting
Financial planning Budgeting Decision of action plans to be funded Identification of means used for funding each action plan (fees, services, state budget) Quality and quantity of resources needed => total cost of each action plan
Financial planning Budget monitoring and control Identification of factors used for measuring performance relative to work plans and budgets (financial/operational) Regular review of results Identification of problems and deviations from plans Redirection of resources if required
Financial planning Reporting Perfromance reported as feedback for continued operational and strategic planning updates
References IAEA-TECDOC-1090 p. 11 and Annex 12, p.45