Annual Review and Action Plan for the forthcoming year Hobletts Manor Infants’ and Nursery School PE and Sports Premium 2015-2016 Annual Review and Action Plan for the forthcoming year Written by Steve Brown Health and Wellbeing team leader
What is PE and Sports Premium? The Sports Premium is Government funding which is designed to help schools to improve the resources, experiences and attainment of the children in PE and Sport at Primary age. This is paid in instalments across the academic year. An overview of the total amount is that each school receives a £8000 and an additional £5 per pupil on roll. The background Great Britain had an incredible summer of sport in 2012 and the Government wants to keep the momentum from The Olympic and Paralympic Games running. This Legacy is designed to last! Playing sport helps to keep people healthy and is good for communities. Playing sport at school or in a local club is also the first step to competition at the highest level, which helps improve our reputation as a sporting nation, and contributes to economic growth.
What sport means to our children Please click the link to watch the video
What we planned to do 2014-2015 Action Plan Autumn 2014 Spring 2015 Summer 2015 Questionnaires given out to all teaching staff for ideas regarding how best to spend the budget this year. Continue to monitor the use of assessments and ensure these are kept up to date across the school year for each KS1 class. Planning scrutiny for both Key Stage One and Foundation Stage (looking through planning folders). Using the school council children to assist with active playtimes i.e. they can lead games and activities in the playground. Developed upon last year’s introduction. Team Teaching opportunities across the Key Stages (focus taken from Lesson Observations). Ensure all assessment data is organised and started for each half term. Given out to each KS1 teacher specifically for the Unit focus (i.e. Games, Dance or Gym). Arrange further training opportunities for staff (CPD) based on feedback from questionnaires. Planning scrutiny to ensure points are being acted upon from Autumn Term. Enquiries made to the SSP regarding possible competitions for us to enter. Email Clare and discuss options. Lesson observations to ensure good practise from last year is being used (training opportunities). Organise a Sports Day/Focus week for the children to take part in. Set up a display board in the hall for modelling good language and how to carry out activities. Can then be used as a reference point during lessons. At least 50% of children across Key Stage One to take part in a school competition (either inter or intra). 100% of children in Key Stage One to have taken part in a school competition (either inter or intra) and at least 50% of children in Reception.
Target Details Autumn Term Questionnaires given out to all teaching staff for ideas regarding how best to spend the budget this year. Handed out to all staff and feedback taken on board. Plans for further assistance with lessons and specific resources. Planning scrutiny for both Key Stage One and Foundation Stage (looking through planning folders). Looked through folders and fed back to staff individually. Ensure all assessment data is organised and started for each half term. Given out to each KS1 teacher specifically for the Unit focus (i.e. Games, Dance or Gym). Assessment details were discussed at Phase meetings and agreed to monitor over the course of the year. Enquiries made to the SSP regarding possible competitions for us to enter. Email Clare and discuss options. Email sent and dates obtained. Set up a display board in the hall for modelling good language and how to carry out activities. Can then be used as a reference point during lessons. Photos and key vocabulary on display.
Target Details Spring Term Continue to monitor the use of assessments and ensure these are kept up to date across the school year for each KS1 class. Meeting with Clare McCawley (Cavendish) to discuss options, vocabulary, layout etc. Ideas shared in school and how these can be used for next year. Using the school council children to assist with active playtimes i.e. they can lead games and activities in the playground. Developed upon last year’s introduction. Sessions led outside and activities organised. Assembly for the children to share with the school. Resources ordered as needed. Arrange further training opportunities for staff (CPD) based on feedback from questionnaires. Mr Prickett came into school to work with all staff. These sessions were monitored and positive ideas used in teacher’s own sessions. Lesson observations to ensure good practise from last year is being used (training opportunities). Went in to observe teachers across the age phases. Fed back to individuals. At least 50% of children across Key Stage One to take part in a school competition (either inter or intra). Children attended the Sports Fayres at Sportspace, further ones booked for next term.
Target Details Autumn Term Continue to monitor the use of assessments and ensure these are kept up to date across the school year for each KS1 class. Discussed throughout the year with SLT and compared to other Foundation Subjects. Discussed regarding how these will be used for next year. Team Teaching opportunities across the Key Stages (focus taken from Lesson Observations). Opportunities for staff to come in to PE sessions to observe. Planning scrutiny to ensure points are being acted upon from Autumn Term. Looked through Teacher’s planning folders and discussed their feelings towards the new formats (including PE plan overview in weekly planning formats). Overall very positive. Organise a Sports Day/Focus week for the children to take part in. Sports Day was organised for the school and feedback was extremely positive. Due to time restraints we have decided to use Autumn Term next year for our focus week. 100% of children in Key Stage One to have taken part in a school competition (either inter or intra) and at least 50% of children in Reception. All children were offered the opportunity to attend, sessions completed at Sportspace Hemel and Sportspace Berkhampstead.
Increased number of children to take part in extra-curricular clubs. Increased number of children participating in inter and intra school competitions All children in Key Stage One were given the opportunity to visit a Sports Fair at Hemel Hempstead Sportspace. Travelling costs were paid for. Reception also visited a Sports events at Sportspace Berkhampstead. A selection of children entered various ‘Virtual Competitions’ across Key Stage One where results were used against other schools in the local area. Increased number of children to take part in extra-curricular clubs. Pupil Premium Girls in sports Boys in sports August Spring 2 HB 0% 71% 47% 48% DF 81% 52% 64% WP 35% 82% 29% 46% 68% R 23% 100% 60% 74% HH 33% 86% 63% 72% B 22% 36% % 85% Here is an ‘in-year’ breakdown for club attendances.
Where was the money spent? Sports Partnership membership Travel to competitions Supply teachers (to cover teachers attending training) Specialist coach in school Specialist Dance coach Resources Outside clubs funding for Pupil Premium children Pupil Premium clubs
Budget allocation for the school year 2014-2015 Where next? This is a plan of how this year’s funding will be spent. Budget allocation for the school year 2014-2015 Total funding £9000 approx (£8000 per school as well as £5 per pupil on roll) Payment to School Partnership £400 Transport to competitions and events £600 Supply cover for Subject Leader £1000 (enabling the Sports Leader to observe lessons, lead team teaching activities and complete audits of resources etc.) All Pupil Premium children to attend a Sports club Sports Apprentice £3000 Training Opportunities Resources for PE lessons Sports focus week (resources, workshops etc.)
Action Plan 2015-2016 Autumn 2015 Spring 2016 Summer 2016 Plan the focus week for the school. Look into workshops, sessions etc. (Budget to organise for resources etc.) Review of assessments across Key Stage One for PE – are they working, what needs to change etc. Also check assessment data for EYFS Phase meeting with Key Stage One to check on assessment data. Ensure EYFS data is up to date and monitored accordingly. Transition/introduction of our Sport Apprentice into school. Introduce to all staff, work on timetables etc. to ensure good coverage. Sports Apprentice to start leading Warm Up sessions and taking a more active role in PE sessions. Sports Apprentice to be engaged in all sessions. Link work with SSCO to ensure all criteria is being met and to a high standard. New assessment criteria and statements etc. need to be rolled out across Key Stage One. Lesson observations to ensure good practise from last year is being used (training opportunities). Follow up work from lesson observations; team teaching, further training, having staff in to my sessions etc. Playground leaders to be re-introduced and supported by the Sport Apprentice. Check with staff regarding training needs etc. Further staff development, resources in school etc. Sports day/event organised for the school. All children able to participate (adapt activities accordingly). Enquiries made to the SSP regarding possible competitions for us to enter. Email Clare and discuss options. At least 50% of children across Key Stage One to take part in a school competition (either inter or intra). 100% of children in Key Stage One to have taken part in a school competition (either inter or intra) and at least 50% of children in Reception.