DNA Technology Terminology USES of DNA technology DNA fingerprinting protein production gene therapy GMO - Genetically Modified Organisms cloning Stem Cells Genetic Counseling
Nucleic Acids: DNA & RNA - review deoxyribonucleic acid w/in DNA genes: specific locations in DNA that codes for proteins or traits program the production of proteins determines traits for organisms RNA helps in translating code
adenine (A); thymine (T); cytosine (C); and guanine (G) RNA -- fig 3.6b DNA & RNA - monomers: nucleotides sugar DNA - deoxyribose RNA - ribose phosphate group nitrogenous bases DNA -- adenine (A); thymine (T); cytosine (C); and guanine (G) RNA -- same, except uracil (U) instead of thymine
Closer Look at DNA molecule - string of nucleotides: backbone of sugar & phosphate deoxyribose four bases A, T, G, C double helix twisted double stranded molecule
Base Pairing: AT/GC rule 2 DNA strands are complementary A with T G with C 2 DNA strands are complementary fig 11.11
mRNA & tRNA work together to determine DNA gene sequence mRNA & tRNA work together to determine 3-base codons code for specific amino acids sequence of amino acids determine specific proteins
How does proteins affect observable traits of organisms? Example: eye color in fruit flies normal gene codes for red eyes Mutations code for brown or white
DNA Technology - Terminology: Restriction Enzyme cut DNA in specific spots depending on the code in the enzyme Bacterial Vectors Bacteria used to carry pieces of genetic information from other organisms plasmids – ring shaped DNA Recombinant DNA Bacterial plasmid and inserted gene
Restriction Enzymes: cut DNA enzymes cut at specific base sequence
Forming Recombinant DNA using Restriction Enzymes: cut DNA at specific sequences creating fragments addition of DNA from other source new DNA fragment created joined by ligase
Making “customized” bacteria
Uses of DNA technology: (1) DNA fingerprinting Extract a sample of DNA break cell & nuclear membranes cut DNA with restriction enzymes separate DNA fragments using electrophoresis Make DNA visible by staining and attaching to radioactive markers fig 11.2
DNA is a negatively charged molecule Gel Electrophoresis: DNA is a negatively charged molecule placing it on a special liquid gel and running current through the gel will cause DNA to move from negative pole to positive pole the large fragments move the least Smaller fragments move the farthest fig 11.2
Reading the gels: fig 11.5 Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (riff-lips)
Uses of DNA technology: (2) Protein production use of microbes & cultured cells produce bacterial clones grown protein fig 11.12
Uses of DNA technology: (3) Gene Therapy patient has defective gene virus inserts bone marrow stem cells have potential to develop into different blood / immune cells fig 11.19
Uses of DNA technology: (4) Genetically Modified Organisms “increase” btCorn (resistant to corn borer) golden rice (increase of Vitamin A production)
Uses of DNA technology: (4) Cloning clone: genetic replica reproductive cloning therapeutic cloning fig 11.17
Stem Cell categories Totipotent Pluripotent Embryonic Stem cells (ES cells) Embryonic Germ cells(EG cells)
Stem Cell categories Unipotent Multipotent Hematopoietic stem cells (HScs) umbilical cord blood bone marrow
Genetic Counseling: Genes for particular disorders are known may be markers than can be tested for determine probability of Huntington’s Disease If one parent has a copy of the gene 50% chance for offspring If both parents have a copy 75% Breast Cancer BRAC1 and BRAC2 gene
Genetic Testing // IVF Genetic Screening pedigree analysis or direct genetic testing available for Cystic Fibrosis parents with a family history of Cystic Fibrosis can screen embryos for the disorder PRIOR to in vitro fertilization fertilization occurs single cell removed embryos first child as the result of this screening born in 1990