Welcome, Students! Mr. Simer 6 th -8 th Science/Health
Mr. Simer’s Classroom Rules Assign Seats.Assign Seats. Be in your assigned seat and ready to work when bell rings.Be in your assigned seat and ready to work when bell rings. Homework is due at beginning of class. No late homework accepted. (may accept next day ½ credit)Homework is due at beginning of class. No late homework accepted. (may accept next day ½ credit) Raise hands when asking a question.Raise hands when asking a question. Follow all lab safety rules.Follow all lab safety rules. Disrespect, back talking, inappropriate behaviors, or language, and any other flagrant actions will be referred to the Principal immediately!Disrespect, back talking, inappropriate behaviors, or language, and any other flagrant actions will be referred to the Principal immediately!
Mr. Simer’s Classroom Rules Continued Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, copying, plagarism, other students finishing your work, or receiving answers from another individual.Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, copying, plagarism, other students finishing your work, or receiving answers from another individual. Any violation results in loss of points and referral to the Principal.Any violation results in loss of points and referral to the Principal. Littering will not be tolerated to include throwing paper, shooting baskets, trash on the floor, or leaving papers on your desk.Littering will not be tolerated to include throwing paper, shooting baskets, trash on the floor, or leaving papers on your desk. When getting up, do not walk in front of the class while the teacher is teaching.When getting up, do not walk in front of the class while the teacher is teaching.
Mr. Simer’s Classroom Rules Continued ConsequencesConsequences –1 st offenseverbal warning –2 nd offenseverbal warning –3 rd offensebehavior ticket –Anyone repeatedly violating this will receive a warning then immediate referral!
Seating Seats are assigned.Seats are assigned. Do not move or rearrange seats without permission.Do not move or rearrange seats without permission. Sit upright, no laying in the seats.Sit upright, no laying in the seats. No drawing on the desks.No drawing on the desks. Clean up around your seat before you leave.Clean up around your seat before you leave. No standing on seats.No standing on seats. If having your feet on someone else’s desk bothers them then keep them off.If having your feet on someone else’s desk bothers them then keep them off.
Safety Contracts Read the safety contract.Read the safety contract. Safety contracts must be signed by you and your parents.Safety contracts must be signed by you and your parents. Safety contracts are your first graded assignment.Safety contracts are your first graded assignment. Safety contracts will be kept on file.Safety contracts will be kept on file. Safety contracts will be strictly enforced.Safety contracts will be strictly enforced. Pass out contracts and they are due tomorrow.Pass out contracts and they are due tomorrow. There will be a test on the safety contracts SOON!There will be a test on the safety contracts SOON!
Microscope Test You are required to know the parts of a microscope.You are required to know the parts of a microscope. You are given a handout with all the parts labeled. (pass out now)You are given a handout with all the parts labeled. (pass out now) You will be given a test Friday on this handout.You will be given a test Friday on this handout. Handle microscopes carefully and as instructed.Handle microscopes carefully and as instructed.
Textbooks All students will be assigned a textbook.All students will be assigned a textbook. Color coding is used for each grade. 6 th is red, 7 th is green, and 8 th blue.Color coding is used for each grade. 6 th is red, 7 th is green, and 8 th blue. Textbooks may be accessed online. (handout)Textbooks may be accessed online. (handout) Lost or damaged books will be replaced at students expense.Lost or damaged books will be replaced at students expense. You will be doing homework from your book. You are to read the section the night prior to the lesson. Please bring it everyday unless told not to.You will be doing homework from your book. You are to read the section the night prior to the lesson. Please bring it everyday unless told not to.
Bathroom Students will raise their hand and ask to go to bathroom.Students will raise their hand and ask to go to bathroom. Do not get up and walk up to the teacher.Do not get up and walk up to the teacher. Students will be issued 3 bathroom passes per quarter.Students will be issued 3 bathroom passes per quarter.
Assignment books Keep with you at all times.Keep with you at all times. Fill out daily.Fill out daily. Homework sheets are passed out during study hall.Homework sheets are passed out during study hall.
Student Handbook Read it!Read it! Will be enforced.Will be enforced. You may be tested on its content.You may be tested on its content.
Miscellaneous Any questions so far?Any questions so far? Tell me what you expect.Tell me what you expect.
Science Saurus Science Saurus’ are located on the book shelf in the back of the room. They may be moved to each desk.Science Saurus’ are located on the book shelf in the back of the room. They may be moved to each desk. You are required to keep a folder for daily work and may come from the Science Saurus.You are required to keep a folder for daily work and may come from the Science Saurus. Folders will be graded periodically.Folders will be graded periodically. At the beginning of class you will come in, sit down, write down the questions on the smart board, look up the answers to the questions, and enter the answer in your folder, QUIETLY!At the beginning of class you will come in, sit down, write down the questions on the smart board, look up the answers to the questions, and enter the answer in your folder, QUIETLY! Setup Notebooks now. Setup Notebooks now. Some days, your questions may be from your textbook.Some days, your questions may be from your textbook.
Notes You will begin your first chapter next Monday.You will begin your first chapter next Monday. Given note taking sheet.Given note taking sheet. Do not count on notes for everything.Do not count on notes for everything. Take additional notes from presentations.Take additional notes from presentations. Read chapters! You will be reading these for homework. Quizzes may be given to ensure you are reading your required sections. (hint, hint!)Read chapters! You will be reading these for homework. Quizzes may be given to ensure you are reading your required sections. (hint, hint!) How to use textbook. (assign books)How to use textbook. (assign books)
Homework I will assign various homework assignments each chapter.I will assign various homework assignments each chapter. You will have a chapter review for each chapter.You will have a chapter review for each chapter. Some chapters have a virtual lab exercise we will do in class.Some chapters have a virtual lab exercise we will do in class. You will be given various projects to complete outside of class.You will be given various projects to complete outside of class. You will do lab exercises in class.You will do lab exercises in class. You will be doing reading assignments from your book, along with various homework assignments.You will be doing reading assignments from your book, along with various homework assignments.
Health Now a separate subject you will be taking.Now a separate subject you will be taking. There is a set curriculum for health topics this year.There is a set curriculum for health topics this year. Many health grades are a participation grade.Many health grades are a participation grade. Some health grades may be project based.Some health grades may be project based. Some health grades may be group grades.Some health grades may be group grades. There may be homework assignments given.There may be homework assignments given.
Grading Grades are as follows:Grades are as follows: –Homework100 points –Labs200 points –Projects200 points –Participation100 points –Test200 points –Quizzes100 points
Substitute Teachers Substitutes are important people.Substitutes are important people. Treat substitutes as a teacher.Treat substitutes as a teacher. Anyone acting up will not only be punished by substitute but also by Mr. Simer upon his return.Anyone acting up will not only be punished by substitute but also by Mr. Simer upon his return. Do not try to fool substitutes. (seating, etc.)Do not try to fool substitutes. (seating, etc.) Do not lie to a substitute.Do not lie to a substitute.
Bulletin Board Classroom management policyClassroom management policy Study hall policyStudy hall policy Grading scaleGrading scale Bell scheduleBell schedule Lunch and breakfast scheduleLunch and breakfast schedule Happenings scheduleHappenings schedule RulesRules
Classroom Never eat or drink something laying on the counter. You don’t know what it is.Never eat or drink something laying on the counter. You don’t know what it is. Do not touch anything without permission.Do not touch anything without permission. Do not smell things without asking.Do not smell things without asking. Do not go behind the teachers desk. STAY AWAY!Do not go behind the teachers desk. STAY AWAY! Stay out of the cabinets.Stay out of the cabinets. Hand sanitizer in front of the room.Hand sanitizer in front of the room. Kleenex in front of the room.Kleenex in front of the room. Pencil sharpeners……Pencil sharpeners…… There will be no eating/drinking in the science classroom without permission.There will be no eating/drinking in the science classroom without permission.
Let’s Have a Great Year! Any Questions?