WELCOM E TO FIFTH GRADE! SUPPLIES 1 Three Ring Notebook (1 ½ in.) 4 Tab Dividers Labeled: o Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies Loose Leaf Notebook Paper 1 Pencil Bag (No Boxes IF possible!) Color Pencils 1 Highlighter Pens (Black or Blue) Pencils (#2) Pencil Top Erasers 2 Black and White Bound Sewn Pages Notebook for Journal $7.00 for Weekly Reader, Science Spin, Geography Spin $5.00 for Student Planner CLASSROOM WISHLIST Extra Pencils Extra Erasers Loose Leaf Paper Hand Sanitizer Clorox Wipes Class Treats Lysol Spray Paper Towels Colored Card Stock Tissues GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CHILD! As your child’s teacher I am very excited to get to know your child! Building a positive relationship with each student is a must! Having positive relationships with students has important, positive and long- lasting implications for both students' academic and social development. Students who have close, positive and supportive relationships with their teachers will attain higher levels of achievement than those students with more conflict in their relationships. In order for me to get to know your child better as not only a student but as a person, please complete the form titled: Getting to Know… Please send this back with your child ASAP. Thank you! CONTACT INFO Ms. Rachel Campbell Bethel Hill Charter School Phone: (336) EXT. 257
BEHAVIOR This year in our classroom, we will be using Class Dojo to encourage important skills like working hard and participating. I’ll also be using it to communicate with you; We can instantly share messages and updates with each other. It’s the easiest way for you to see how your child is doing in school and get in touch with me. What is Class Dojo? Class Dojo is a behavior management tool for the classroom. Each student will have a profile with their own avatar to which teacher can assign positive and negative points throughout the day. HOMEWORK 1.Turn in assignments on time. 2. Late homework: 10 points will be taken off the first day. A zero will be recorded for any assignment not turned in on the 2 nd day. 3.In case of absence, it is the student’s responsibility to find out his/her assignments and complete them. (In my classroom, I will have absent folders that will be sent home with the students that will contain any work that needs to be completed and work/forms that can stay at home. ) 4.Students who are absent due to illness should have all make- up work completed within 3 days. 5.If you know your child is going to be absent, please let us know in advance. READING COUNTS Reading is important to academic success, therefore students are expected to read each night. We recommend that 5 th grade students begin the year reading a minimum of 30 minutes per night. The majority of independent reading must be done at home, as our class time is precious for instructing students. Points: 6 Week Grading Period- Students need to acquire 45 Reading Counts points EACH 6-weeks. Students will receive tickets that they may be used to “buy” prizes in our class store. 1 ticket= 10 points GRADING SCALE Test50% Classwork15% Quizzes25% Homework 10% Grading Scale: A= B= C= D= F= Below 70 WEEKLY FOLDERS Yellow folders will be sent home each Monday with your child’s work and a weekly progress report, as well as upcoming events. Please look through their work, sign the progress report, and return the signed portion in the folder by Wednesday. Helpful Websites Ms. Campbell’s Classroom Website This can be used to view the day’s homework, important announcements and any upcoming events! /calendar/ Class Dojo- Login to see how your child is doing! Common Core- Visit this website and become more familiar with Common Core and the Essential Standards that we will be learning this year! dards/common-core/