M. Selvi – 17 th June 2005 – Round Table in honour of prof. Koshiba e e x Supernova neutrino detection: present status and new ideas Marco Selvi Bologna University & INFN
M. Selvi – 17 th June 2005 – Round Table in honour of prof. Koshiba e e x Detectors for stellar collapse ExperimentMass (t)TargetLaboratoryMain channel Super-Kamiokande32000H2OH2OKamioka ee SNO1400, 1000H 2 O, D 2 OSudbury ee LVD1000“H n C 2n+2 ” + FeLNGS ee KamLAND1000“H n C 2n+2 ”Kamioka ee MiniBoone500“H n C 2n+2 ”FermiLab ee Baksan330“H n C 2n+2 ”Russia ee Others approved detector in costruction: Borexino (300 t of C 9 H 12 ), Icarus (600 t of LAr) ( AMANDA may observe a statistical enhance in the PM counting rate).
M. Selvi – 17 th June 2005 – Round Table in honour of prof. Koshiba e e x Neutrino oscillations in SN We consider the system of 3 active neutrinos f =( e, ), mixed in vacuum such that f =U m where m =( 1, ) is the vector of mass eigenstates and U is the mixing matrix. If neutrinos have mass they could oscillate between flavors. The oscillation is resonantly enhanced if a flavor-asymmetric medium is present (MSW matter effect). The medium density res for the resonance to occur depends on the oscillation parameters. The wide range of density values in the SN matter allows for 2 resonance levels. (g/cc)MediumOsc. parameters involved HH 10 3 –10 4 He“ATM” ( m 2 atm, U e3 2 ). LL 10–30H“MSW LMA” m 2 sol, U e2 2 ) The resonance is expected for or depending on the mass hierarchy (=sign of m 2 atm ) sign of m 2 atm Resonance in + (normal hierarchy) - (inverted hierarchy) in LVD
M. Selvi – 17 th June 2005 – Round Table in honour of prof. Koshiba e e x “New” ideas in the market Adding a small amount of Gd (100 t of GdCl 3 in SK) in a water Čerenkov. e + p n + e + allows the detection of both the interaction product: clear e detection through e + 16 O 16 F + e - interactions SN relic neutrinos neutrino proton elastic scattering x + p x + p in low energy threshold detectors electron detection in liquid argon e + 40 Ar 40 K + e - electron detection in iron e + 56 Fe 56 Co + e - electron detection in lead-scintillator calorimeter ADONIS -Fe
M. Selvi – 17 th June 2005 – Round Table in honour of prof. Koshiba e e x SNEWS Main goals: Improve the trigger sensitivity for a SN core collapse by correlating the signals of two or more detectors Promptly alert the astronomy community