Wojciech Misiąg, Ph. D. Supreme Chamber of Control (NIK) - Poland Adviser to the President Key National Indicators as a tool of planning and audit in Poland The 3 rd OECD World Forum, Busan, 27 – 30 October Background 2. KNI in the long-term programs 3. Towards the performance-based state budget 4. Use of KNI by the Supreme Chamber of Control 5. Poland 2030 – newest example 1
Background Poland started the transfromation of its economy and political system in 1989 Despite the fundamental changes in the public sector, the budget procedures remainded – since early 2000s – unchanged [state budget was a tool of financing the public institutions, and not of financing the tasks] The NGO sector in Poland is still too weak to make a pression on the administration Polish accession to the European Union strongly influenced the budgetary procedures The 3 rd OECD World Forum, Busan, 27 – 30 October
KNI in the long-term programs 2003 – National Reforms Program Implementation of Lisbon Strategy 2004 – National Development Plan Reference Framework for the EU financial assistance 2004 – Convergence Plan Fulfilment of EU convergence criteria 2004 – National Cohesion Strategy Reference Framework for the EU financial assistance In all these programs the KNIs were used to measure the progress in the program implementation The 3 rd OECD World Forum, Busan, 27 – 30 October
Performance measures in the state budget Since 2007 – experimental performance-based version of the state budget The performance measures of the state budget ARE NOT THE KNI The 3 rd OECD World Forum, Busan, 27 – 30 October
KNI as a tool of NIK’s audits BASIC RULES: 1. In general, the Supreme Chamber of Control did not compose its own set of indicators to evaluate the audited activities of the Government 2. When auditing the strategic gfovernment’s program with the performance indicators set by the Government, the Supreme Chamber of Control audits and evaluates the achived values of these indicators 3. When evaluating the execution of the state budget, the Supreme Chamber of Control examines the macroeconomic indicators and – on that basis – evaluates the Government’s activity concerning the state budget The 3 rd OECD World Forum, Busan, 27 – 30 October
POLAND 2030 – new standard of KNI „Poland 2030” – strategic plan prepared by the advisors of the Government and treated as the Goverment’s long-term strategy „Poland 2030” contains a comprehensive set of indicators, called „tokens of sccess in 2030”, enabling to assess the state of the society and the state of economy Comprehensive summary available in English: The 3 rd OECD World Forum, Busan, 27 – 30 October
POLAND 2030 – new standard of KNI „Poland 2030” – strategic plan prepared by the advisors of the Government and treated as the Goverment’s long-term strategy „Poland 2030” contains a comprehensive set of indicators, called „tokens of sccess in 2030”, enabling to assess the state of the society and the state of economy Comprehensive summary available in English: The 3 rd OECD World Forum, Busan, 27 – 30 October
Tokens of success The 3 rd OECD World Forum, Busan, 27 – 30 October
Thank you for your attention The 3 rd OECD World Forum, Busan, 27 – 30 October