What am I By Caleb Flick
It is an insect because it has three body parts. It is an insect because it has three body parts.
It has three pairs legs that do different things for it. It has three pairs legs that do different things for it.
My insect is related to the wasp and the ant. My insect is related to the wasp and the ant.
A man from England brought my species to America. A man from England brought my species to America.
I can grow to be as big as ¾ of a inch long. I can grow to be as big as ¾ of a inch long.
My insect is gentle unless you bother it. My insect is gentle unless you bother it.
The Chinese Mantid eats me. The Chinese Mantid eats me.
I get my food from goldenrod and other flowers. I get my food from goldenrod and other flowers.
A queen rules over me. A queen rules over me.
My insect is black and yellow. My insect is black and yellow.
My insect makes a buzzing sound. My insect makes a buzzing sound.
You might have felt its sting before, if you bothered it. You might have felt its sting before, if you bothered it.
It makes honey. It makes honey.
What am I ?