Socio-informatic Research Don Peterson, Institute of Education
SeLeNe startup meeting, Crete, November, Institute of Education I The Institute of Education was founded in 1902, and has earned a distinguished international reputation as a leader in the field for its programmes of study and research. Website: Research covers all aspects of education (school, higher, lifelong, e- learning)
SeLeNe startup meeting, Crete, November, Institute of Education II Staff cover all of the main social sciences and humanities. The Institute has a distinguished history of funded research, including a strong commitment to EU projects. Some projects relevant to SeLeNe are: CANDLE, Playground, WebLabs.
SeLeNe startup meeting, Crete, November, London Knowledge Lab The London Knowledge Lab brings together computer scientists from Birkbeck and social scientists from the Institute of Education to develop technologies centred around the needs of individuals and communities, and explore the ways in which digital technologies reshape the landscape of learning.
SeLeNe startup meeting, Crete, November, Socio-Informatic Paradigm I The challenges and opportunities of the eSociety are socio-informatic They have aspects which belong to the social sciences, and aspects which belong to computer science We therefore need a research paradigm which integrates these contributions. Without this, we will get a partial and ineffective treatment.
SeLeNe startup meeting, Crete, November, Socio-Informatic Paradigm II At the London Knowledge Lab we adopt this paradigm as a basic research strategy Our website describes current Also K-NET: a proposal for a Network of Excellence under the EU Sixth Framework Programme An MBA in Knowledge Ecology under the same paradigm is planned.
SeLeNe startup meeting, Crete, November, Metadata in E-learning The issue of metadata in e-learning needs a socio-informatic approach –Its technical aspects and possibilities concern computer science –Its social effects concern pedagogy, psychology and sociology We therefore need a conceptualisation which bridges between these. This is addressed in my next presentation.