* water cycle * evaporation * precipitation * atmosphere * condensation * runoff
* What are the three states of matter commonly found on Earth? * What does it take for water on Earth’s surface to change state from liquid to gas? * What happens to the water in the pond during the long, hot, dry summer months? * Would water evaporate more quickly on a sunny or cloudy day? Explain.
* 1. How much bigger is an average droplet than a dust particle? * 100 times bigger * 2. How much bigger is a large droplet than an average droplet? * 5 times bigger * 3. How much bigger is a raindrop than an average droplet? * 100 times bigger
* Make your own model of the water cycle in your notebook. Make sure to include: precipitation, evaporation, runoff, condensation, transpiration, groundwater, and different types of bodies of water.
* ystem/watercycle/ ystem/watercycle/ * randchemistry/matterchangingstates/ randchemistry/matterchangingstates/ * er/clouds/ er/clouds/ * ystem/groundwater/ ystem/groundwater/
* weather * barometer * humidity * anemometer * (Do the interactive glossary also)
ToolWhat it Measures wind vane Wind direction anemometer Wind speed weather balloon Weather condition high in the atmosphere barometer Air pressure hygrometer Humidity/relative humidity
* Go to through google chromewww.thinkcentral.com * State: Florida * Broward Charter Schools * Franklin Academy Pembroke Pines * Log in…. Your username and password * Science Fusion * Unit 3 * What happens during the water cycle? * What is the water cycle?`
* How is a cold winter day in Florida different from a cold winter day at the North Pole? * What are clouds made up of? * What factors help us describe the weather?
* The clouds in the sky are flat and layered. What kind of weather do you expect? * The clouds in the sky are white and feathery. What kind of weather do you expect? * The clouds in the sky are tall and dark with flat tops. What kind of weather do you expect? * What would it take for snow to become the most common form of precipitation in an area?
* Copy the Cloud Identification Chart pg. 121 into your notebook. Illustrate, label, and color the diagram.
* Air pressure * Wind * Air mass * Front * Weather map * (You will be tested on these words and the 4 from lesson 3 this week.) * Complete your interactive glossary (picture, sentence, capital letter, punctuation).
* her/ her/ * tetypes/ tetypes/ * / / * canes/ canes/ * erstorms/ erstorms/
* es/ es/ * * ure/ ure/ * y/ y/ * kes/ kes/ * raldisasters/ raldisasters/
* How does temperature affect the density of air? * What happens to air pressure when air density is low? * How does the air pressure diagram on pg. 129 show that there is less pressure high in the atmosphere? * What can form when you open the bathroom door after a hot shower?
* Land heats more quickly than water does. So in the day time the air above land is warm and the air above the sea is cooler. * Warm air rises and cool air sinks, which causes a sea breeze. * Land loses heat faster than water does. So at night it is the opposite. The air above land is cooler than the air above water, which causes a land breeze.