A.Circus Maximus: a racetrack that could hold thousands of spectators B.Colosseum: great arena in Rome where gladiators would fight ENTERTAINMENT
1. Virgil: author of the epic poem, Aenid which showed Rome’s historic past 2. Horace: wrote of human emotions in satires POETRY
A.Tacitus: wrote a history of Rome criticized government set up by Augustus B.Livy Wrote about the destruction of Roman liberty with the rise of Roman emperors HISTORY
Borrowed much from Greece A.Stoicism: destructive emotions resulted from errors in judgment PHILOSOPHY
1. Stressed realism- depicts everyday life 2. Idealistic- portrays perfection 3. Mosaic- small pieces of colored glass, stone, etc. to create images ART
1. Greeks emphasized simple elegance- Romans thought big! –arch & dome a. Pantheon- a temple to all the gods of Ancient Rome ARCHITECTURE
1.Aqueducts: These bridge-like structures carried water from the mountains 2.Ptolemy: Astronomer that taught that the earth was the center of the universe 3.Galen: summarized all the medical knowledge of his day TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE
e&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active GOVERNMENT & LAW A.government passed new laws as needed B.judges interpreted the old laws to fit new circumstances Currency : Roman Coins