After a car accident one man found himself in hospital. He was unconscious for several days. Being delirious he saw God. And he said...
During all my life I have believed in you. But I don’t understand many things. I have so many questions... Answer at least some of them... You created Adam and Eve. Haven’t you ever guessed they can disobey? Why weren’t they perfect, without any drawbacks? I wanted to give them an opportunity to choose. They had to make their decision. They were free to do it. I have never imposed my will.
You know it’s difficult to believe when you have no proofs. If you want all of us to believe in you, we should have some evidence of your existence. I don’t want all of you to believe because you have to. Let it be few of you who want to believe.
Why can’t all people enter your kingdom? If I take all of you, you’ll have no desire to become better. There will be no difference between the Earth and the paradise. And now you dream about a better life I can give you.
If you created everything, so you created the Devil. Why? There will be only good without him. There is no good if there is no evil. It shows you the difference.
And one more question... Who are you? Get up. Come on!!! He regains consciousness. He is talking. What? What is he asking??? Oh, I am a doctor. He is alive!!!