C REATIVE & C RITICAL R EADING A Series of Discussions and Activities
M ILTON BY F IRELIGHT Epic poem by John Milton Recounts various falls Lucifer Adam and Eve Humanity in general The fall from Grace Extracted from the Garden of Eden Bring a book of your choice to class on Monday. You will walk around the building, find a place to read where you can watch people, and incorporate the things you see with the things you read. Paradise LostHomework
C REATIVE R ESEARCH In your writer’s notebook, write the times you had conducted research for yourself based on YOUR interest. Ex: finding information on a favorite musical performer or actor.
“C ONTEMPLATION ” When reviewing this poem, discuss what works, what doesn’t work, and why. Note images Note physical & ethereal components Note the Angel comparison Sum up what you discovered Would knowing some of the allusions help access the poem? Small Group DiscussionWhole Class Discussion
“W ORLD T REE ” Discuss the poem and mark significant elements to it.
“W ORLD T REE ” In your writer’s notebook, write about your own sense of the spiritual and how it could prompt you to write a poem, story, essay, or memoir.