Talking With Students About Mindsets
One day, in a class that is really important to You, and that you like a lot, the teacher returns an important paper worth a lot of points. You got a ‘D’. You are very disappointed. That evening, on your way back home, you find a parking ticket on your car. Frustrated, you call your best friend to share your experience but are sort of brushed off. What would you think? What would you feel? What would you do? Write me a paragraph.
Mind Sets – What They Think Fixed Mindset Life isn’t fair. Nobody likes me. Things never work out for me. Growth Mindset I need to try harder in class. I need to be more careful where I park. I wonder if my friend is having a bad day, too.
Mind Sets – What They Do Fixed Mindset Do nothing Stay in bed all day Eat chocolate ice cream Yell at someone Growth Mindset Study a different way and ask for help Pay the ticket Work things out with my friend the next time we speak
Think about it … Was there death and destruction, or just a bad grade, a ticket and a disappointing phone call?
Becoming is better than being. Potential means developing your skills: with effort over time. You aren’t a failure until you start to blame.
Effort is the KEY to success! People are all born with a love of learning. (think about babies), but a fixed mindset can undo it. Challenge yourself to do something you have never done before - something difficult that you never though you could do. Picture it and think about how you will feel when you have accomplished it.
Picture Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb… Where is he? What is he doing? Describe what you imagine as vividly as you can.
Edison was not a loner! He had 30 assistants, including well trained scientists, helping him in a state-of the-art laboratory. It did not happen suddenly - It happened over time. It took several attempts. Edison never stopped learning and being curious.
My Job I’m here to teach you, not to judge you. I will help you think, learn and continue to grow smarter. I will have high expectations and will not settle for anything less than your best, but I will show you how to reach those expectations. I will learn with you as I am always wanting to grow smarter. If you are behind (or fall behind), I will teach you how to catch up.
Your Job Be open to learning. Put in effort to develop your skills to grow smarter EACH day. Read difficult books and work to understand what you read. Write everyday. Help me help you - If you don’t give anything, you can’t expect anything. Success does not come to you, you must come to it. Be accountable and responsible for your learning - That means more than just showing up.
Homework Before you fall asleep, and again when you wake up, say to yourself… Smarter is not something you are. It is something that you get.
Mind Sets If you fail a test, what are some things your inner voice might say?
If an inner voice says, “I’m stupid…” Then we need to use cognitive thinking. We look at the facts and evidence more closely to draw an accurate conclusion.
What questions might we ask in order to get to the truth of the matter? What other reasons might there be (other than stupidity) for failing a test?
After you come to the conclusion that it isn’t stupidity… Ask yourself these questions… What can I learn from this ? How can I improve so I do better next time?
Why is this man laughing?
Why… Is no one telling these babies that they are stupid because they don’t know how to talk using real words? They just haven’t learned yet!!!
How does the brain work? ted
Brain Growth
Make Synapses! Ask yourself each night… What did I learn today? What mistake did I make today that taught me something? Why did I try hard at today? What was the result? How can I get better?