Presentation to N/X Visualisation in Massive Military Datasets 4 October 2001 Virtual Reality on Portable Devices Ross Walker and James Broad Immersive Education
Immersive Education who we are Oxford University-Intel Education Inititive Elixir-Studios - Real time virtual reality Mathengine - Real time physics simulation
What we do Education software based on games technology Explore-Discover-Learn Virtual Reality Time travel Creative environment
Games Mindset Maximum illusion Minimum hardware spec
Totality Engine C++ and DirectX in a static library unlimited scene complexity in realtime any model can be represented to any specified level of detail skeletal animation system support for 3dsMax
Director Engine C++ and DirectX in a static library bsp environment, with rigid body dynamics dynamic per-pixel lighting and shadowing skeletal animation system support for 3dsMax and SoftImage scaleable over a large range of hardware