Bob Holden In the state capitol we saw the Governor’s office. All day I was looking for Governor Bob Holden but I did not see him.
Jefferson City Thomas Jefferson is the President that bought the Louisiana Purchase. That is why our state Capitol is named after him.
Supreme Court We were at are last stop, finally. My foot was killing me. We were at the supreme court of Missouri and they told us that the court on T.V. is not the way they do it here in Missouri. The lawyers explain the problem and the judges go in the back and vote. They have odd numbers so they can have a tiebreaker.
Missouri Highway Patrol Almost to our last stop!!We went to the Missouri Highway Patrol.We learned that kids should sit in the back of the car because an airbag can suffocate the little kid. we saw it on a movie and we played games on safety.
Thomas Hart Benton Thomas Benton is a artist that was born in Missouri. In the state capitol, there is a room that has a mural all over. It was painted by Thomas Hart Benton. It was beautiful.
Bibliography n/gallery/benton1936.gifhttp:// n/gallery/benton1936.gif